Thank you for purchase. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form on the link.
Register the plugin at the following link
Instructions how to register (ONLY steps 1-3 are required)
Registration made to make sure customers use the license on a single project (as per Envato rules) and to help customers owning many licenses easily track on which server licenses are being used.
Include scripts and styles in HEAD section of the page:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/perfect-scrollbar.css" media="all" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/mvp.css" />Javascript:
<script src="js/new.js"></script>
Initialize the player with settings:
<script> document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { var settings = { sourcePath:"", instanceName:"player1", activePlaylist:".playlist-video", activeItem:0, volume:0.5, autoPlay:true, randomPlay:false, .... //other settings hidden for clarity }; player = new mvp(document.getElementById('wrapper'), settings); }); </script>
View all player settings
Include player div in BODY section of the page:
<div id="wrapper"></div>
css folder: mvp.css - main plugin css file perfect-scrollbar.css - playlist scroll, optional, not required if playlist is not used in the player or playlist type is standard browser scroll (player can either use standard browser scroll or perfect-scrollbar).
data folder - contains player demo data, like example chapter files, json playlist example, vast demo files, subtitles etc.. Only required is svg / left-arrow.svg file which is a small arrow used in player settings menu (for playback rate, subtitles etc..)
includes folder: vimeo - used for getting vimeo data (playlists, albums, showcases etc). Not required for single vimeo videos used without api. folder_parser.php - used for reading folder of videos (loading playlist from folder).
js folder: cast.js - chromecast equalizer.js - audio visualizer for audio playback ima.js - ima loader new.js - main plugin file (required) perfect-scrollbar.min.js - playlist scroll playlist_navigation.js - handles playlist scroll for perfect-scrollbar (is playlist scroll is used) rel_pagination.js - show related videos on video end option share_manager.js - social sharing three.min.js - play 360 videos vast.js - vast loader vimeoLoader.js - not required for single vimeo videos used without api. youtubeLoader.js - not requried for single youtube videos used without api.
media folder - contains all videos, thumbnails etc used in the demo previews.
All player options that can be set when initalizing plugin:
Parameter | Value | description |
skin | aviva / pollux / sirius | player skin |
playlistPosition | vrb / vb / hb / outer / wall / no-playlist | Playlist Position
vrb - playlist vertical right and bottom (auto switch side) vb - playlist vertical bottom hb - horizontal bottom outer - Playlist grid below player (endless scroll) wall - Grid wall with player opening as lightbox no-playlist - No (visible) playlist, just player |
playlistStyle | dot / drot / gdot / gdbt / gdrot | Playlist style
Normal player (vrb / vb / hb): dot - description over thumbnail drot - description right of thumbnail For grid (outer / wall): gdot - grid description over thumbnail gdrot - grid description right of thumbnail gdbt - grid description below thumbnail |
playlistScrollType | browser / perfect-scrollbar | Playlist Scroll Type
browser - default browser scroll perfect-scrollbar - |
playerTransition | alpha / slide | Player animation style for opened windows (info, share, embed..) |
playerShadow | shadow-effect1 / shadow-effect2 / shadow-effect3 / shadow-effect4 / shadow-effect5 / shadow-effect6 | shadow effect below the player |
playerType | normal / lightbox | Use normal inline player or open player as lightbox. Default is normal. |
sourcePath | plugin root where the player is located. If the player is located in the same directory where all player folders are located (js, css, includes...) then this does not need to be set. If all player folders (js, css, includes...) are located in one level below the root in a directory named some_folder for example, then sourcePath would be "some_folder/". If all player folders (js, css, includes...) are located in one level above the root in a directory named some_folder for example, then sourcePath would be "../some_folder/". Plugin uses this internally to load some php files and script so it needs relative url to those directories. | |
instanceName | Name of the player instance (String), can be used for api (no spacing or special chars) | |
activePlaylist | #id | Active playlist on player start. Leave empty for none. Check working with playlist section for more info. |
activeItem | Number | Active media to start with on player load (-1 = none, 0 = first, 1 = second...) |
volume | 0-1 | Media volume |
autoPlay | true / false | Auto play media. This will mute video which is required for autoplay. |
autoPlayAfterFirst | true / false | Auto play media after first media has been manually started. |
selectorInit | true / false | When player is opened on page element click and you want to autoplay with sound, set this option to true. |
activateWhenParentVisible | DOM selector | Activate the player when parent becomes visible. For example, use this if you have player in tabs which have css display none so player can correctly resize itself when parent becomes visible. |
playerRatio | number | Aspect ratio of video area. Set video area ratio to fit your videos. If you videos are 4/3 ratio, use 1.333333. If your videos are 16/9 ratio, use 1.777777 (this is default). |
combinePlayerRatio | true / false | Apply ratio to both player and playlist. Applies to playlist position Vertical right and bottom, Vertical left and bottom. If true, when playlist is on the side and you open / close playlist, player height will grow / shrink to keep video ratio. |
aspectRatio | 0 / 1 / 2 | Set default media resize option inside player (valid for self hosted media). Fit inside will always show whole video, but may leave blank spaces above and below, or left and right of the video, depending on the resolution. Fit outside will always cover the whole screen with video, leaving no blank lines, but may cut part of the video above and below, or left and right of the it, depending on the resolution. |
preload | auto/metadata/none | Set video preload attribute. |
crossorigin | Media crossorigin attribute | |
disableRemotePlayback | true / false | Valid for HTML video. Set to true if you use casting to hide native chromecast button over the video. |
randomPlay | true / false | Randomize playlist playback |
loopingOn | true / false | Loop on playlist end backwards to begining. |
youtubeAppId | Youtube API key. Go here for the API key: and create new project, enable YouTube Data API, go to Credentials, create API key. You can enter multiple keys separated by comma for backup. | |
youtubePlayerType | chromeless / default | Youtube player type. Default is chromeless (custom controls). |
youtubePlayerColor | red / white | This parameter specifies the color that will be used in the player's video progress bar to highlight the amount of the video that the viewer has already seen. |
youtubeNoCookie | true / false | Serve Youtube videos from No Cookie domain. |
vimeoPlayerType | chromeless / default | Vimeo player type. Chromeless is only available for videos hosted by a Plus account or higher! If you set chromeless type and video is not hosted by plus account or higher, default vimeo player will be used in that case. Same playlist can contain both vimeo default and chromeless videos. |
vimeoPlayerColor | hex | Vimeo player color. |
vimeoNoCookie | true / false | Whether to prevent Vimeo player from tracking session data, including cookies. Keep in mind that setting this argument to true also blocks video stats. |
facebookAppId | Facebook Application ID for social sharing | |
clickOnBackgroundClosesLightbox | true / false | With lightbox, click on background around lightbox will close lightbox and player. |
useLightboxAdvanceButtons | true / false | Next and previous buttons in lightbox allow to advance video. If you have single video in player you can remove them. |
playlistScrollType | browser / perfect-scrollbar | Choose which playlist scroll to use. You can choose between default browser scroll and PerfectScrollbar |
playlistOpened | true / false | Playlist opened on start |
blockYoutubeEvents | true / false | Place transparent div over video to prevent clicking on youtube video. |
rightClickContextMenu | browser / custom / disabled | Right click context menu. Use browser default, custom or disable right click (disabled works for self hosted media and Youtube and Vimeo chromeless players). |
showControlsBeforeStart | true / false | Show controls before video is played (including chapter menu if video has chapters). The use this feature video poster is required.
Additional: For self hosted video you need to set video duration in seconds (example data-duration="34") For Youtube add duration in playlistItemContent Vimeo automatically gets video duration. |
hideQualityMenuOnSingleQuality | true / false | Hide quality menu in controls when there is only single quality available |
togglePlaybackOnMultipleInstances | true / false | Pause one player if other is playing when multiple instances in same page. |
hidePlaylistOnFullscreenEnter | true / false | Hide playlist on fullscreen enter. |
openFsOnPlay | true / false | Auto enter fullscreen on video play. |
theaterElement | string | Add DOM selector which will get class attached when player enters theater mode (you can add multiple classes, for example: '.classA, .classB') |
theaterElementClass | string | Add classname which will be attached to DOM selector when player enters theater mode (for example: 'foo') |
focusVideoInTheater | true / false | Scroll page to video top when theater mode is activated. |
hidePlaylistOnTheaterEnter | true / false | Hide playlist on theater enter. |
verticalBottomSepearator | number | The limit for when vertical playlist drops below player on narrow screens. Valid for layouts when playlist is on the side. |
playlistBottomHeight | number | Playlist height in playlistPosition left_bottom / right_bottom. Default is 300. |
mobileSeekbarMinWidth | number | Skin aviva & sirius, on narrow screens width below which seekbar goes above controls to make room for other buttons. Leave empty for none. |
mobileControlsTopMinWidth | number | Skin aviva & pollux, on narrow screens width on which top controls become horizontal. Leave empty for none. |
lightboxMaxWidth | number | Max width of lightbox (height is auto calculated based on ratio). Default is 920. |
gridType | javascript / grid1 (css-grid) / grid2 (column-count) | Layouts with playlistPosition "outer" and "wall" can have thumbnail grid auto calculated based on javascript breakpoints, can use plain CSS to style grid. See grids section. |
breakPointArr | Grid breakpoints on "wrapper" element on which grid is calculated, example: breakPointArr:[ {width:0, column:1, gutter:0}, {width:500, column:2, gutter:0}, {width:700, column:3, gutter:10}, {width:1100, column:4, gutter:10}, {width:1600, column:5, gutter:10} ] Below 500px, use 1 column, 0 spacing between grid boxes below 700px use 2 columns, 0 spacing between grid boxes below 1100px use 3 columns, 10 spacing between grid boxes etc... |
subtitleOffText | Subtitle Off menu item text. Default "Disabled". | |
caption_breakPointArr | Subtitle font size breakpoints, example: caption_breakPointArr:[ {width:0, size:18}, {width:480, size:20}, {width:768, size:22}, {width:1024, size:24}, {width:1280, size:36} ], Below 1280px, use 24px font size below 1024px, use 22px font size below 768px, use 20px font size etc... |
keepCaptionFontSizeAfterManualResize | true / false | Keep caption font size after manual resize using keyboard controls (+/-) |
rememeberCaptionState | true / false | Save last used subtitle. For example, if your last used subtitle was English, everytime the player runs in page and goes to a different video English subtitle would be used. |
elementsVisibilityArr | Choose which elements to display in the player on narrow screens, example: Example, when player is below 400px show: 'play', 'seekbar', 'fullscreen', 'share'
elementsVisibilityArr:[ {width:400, elements:['play', 'seekbar', 'fullscreen', 'share']} ]
Example with 2 breakpoints, when player is below 600px show: 'play', 'seekbar', 'fullscreen', 'share', 'info', 'volume', 'next', 'previous', 'pip',
elementsVisibilityArr:[ {width:600, elements:['play', 'seekbar', 'fullscreen', 'share', 'info', 'volume', 'next', 'previous', 'pip']}, {width:400, elements:['play', 'seekbar', 'fullscreen', 'share']} ]When no elementsVisibilityArr is specified, all elements will always be shown! width applies to wrapper element which holds the player. Possible values: seekbar, play (small play button), time, download, share, info, next, previous, rewind, skip_backward, skip_forward, fullscreen, theater, volume, volume_seekbar, settings (menu controls layout which contains subtitles, playback_rate, quality), pip (picture in picture), cc (caption toggle), chapter (chapter menu) |
playAdsOnlyOnce | true / false | Play ads only once per main media. |
showAnnotationsOnlyOnce | true / false | Show annotations only once per main media. |
rememberPlaybackPosition | 0 / 1 / all | Remember playback position on new page load. 0 = no 1 = rememebr only last video time all = remember times for all videos |
playbackPositionKey | string (no spacing or special characters) | Unique string identifier for Remember playback position feature (local storage). Has to be unique per player. |
useMobileNativePlayer | true / false | Use mobile native player on IOS. Note: if true, this will loose ability to play in browser and have any of the custom elements above the media like subtitles, annotations... etc |
useSwipeNavigation | true / false | Use swipe navigation on touch sensitive devices. Note: Works with self hosted audio, video, image, Youtube or Vimeo chromeless players. It does not work with 360 images or videos! |
swipeAction | advance, rewind | advance - advance to next / previous video (default) rewind - skip forward / backward X seconds (X seconds set with seekTime ) |
swipeTolerance | number | minimum distance to trigger swipe (how much user has to drag to trigger swipe), default 100 px |
limitDescriptionText | number | Limit number of lines in playlist item description text. |
embedSrc | Url on your website which holds the player you want to use as embed, for example: Then you make this player-embed.html load videos. This url will be added to iframe: <iframe width="100%" height="100%" src="'+embedSrc+'" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> | |
playlistItemContent | thumb,title,date,description,duration, playCount | Select content to show in playlist items. Possible values are: thumb,title,date,description,duration. Duration is shown in thumbnail, so if you want duration you need to have thumb as well. Note: If you want duration with self hosted videos, you need to add duration in data-duration attribute yourself (data-duration="90"). Note: Using duration with Youtube playlist or channel requires more quota! If you want date available for self hosted videos, you need to manaully add date with data-date="1/2/2022" attributte (MM/DD/YEAR). If you want playCount shown, it requires setting it with data-play-count="12" attribute. |
convertUrlToLinksInDesc | true / false | Youtube / Vimeo video description does not provide clickable url links. This will convert http urls in description (if exist) into href clickable links. Use with care because it may return unexpected results since it has to scan all description text and try to convert to href tags. |
formatDateFromNow | true / false | If date is shown in playlist items with playlistItemContent, display date in format like "2 days ago", "5 months ago" etc.. |
locale | en | Language code for formatDateFromNow:,the%20IANA%20Language%20Subtag%20Registry. |
playCountText | views | Play count text after play count number. |
showStreamVideoBitrateMenu | true / false | Create video bitrate menu for hls, dash streaming. |
showStreamAudioBitrateMenu | true / false | Create audio bitrate menu for hls, dash streaming. |
disableVideoSkip | true / false | Disable user to skip video in any way (disable seekbar, previous, next buttons, click playlist item). |
disableSeekbar | true / false | Disable user to seek through video. |
disableSeekingPastWatchedPoint | true / false | Disable seeking past watched time. This will prevent user from seeking into not yet watched part of the video. |
seekTime | number | Seek time value for seek backward / seek forward commands |
cors | Cors url for loading subtitles across domain. Example | |
autoAdvanceToNextMediaOnError | true / false | Auto advance to next video on error. If current video fails, it will auto advance to next video. |
showVideoTitle | true / false | Show video title in player top left. Same as showChapterTitle |
requirePosterFromFolder | true / false | If true, player will assume you have poster images as per required folder organization when loading playlist from folder. |
requireThumbnailsFromFolder | true / false | If true, player will assume you have thumbnail images as per required folder organization when loading playlist from folder. |
requireSubtitlesFromFolder | true / false | If true, player will assume you have subtitles directory as per required folder organization when loading playlist from folder. |
displayPosterOnMobile | true / false | Display poster on mobile instead of playing media to preserve bandwidth. Note: each media in playlist needs to have poster defined for this to work. |
showPosterOnPause | true / false | Show poster everytime video is paused. Video needs to have poster set for this to work. |
createAdMarkers | true / false | Create markers for the mid-roll adverts in seekbar. |
adUpcomingMsgTime | seconds, default 5 | Time before mid-roll advert starts to show message "Ad starting in... seconds" |
youtubeThumbSize | default / medium / high / standard / maxres | youtube preffered thumb size: default 120x90 medium 320x180 high 480x360 standard 640x480 maxres 1280x720 |
vimeoThumbSize | 100x75 / 200x150 / 295x166 / 640x360 / 960x540 / 1280x720 / 1920x1080 | vimeo preffered thumb size. Note that Vimeo does not always respect those heights but widths are accurate. |
useAudioEqualizer | true / false | Audio visualizer as alternative to poster showing while audio plays. On IOS Audio visualizer is not available so you might to want to add poster for your songs so it can be shown instead. |
closeSettingsMenuOnSelect | true / false | Close settings menu completely on select certain value (playback rate, subtitle...). |
playbackRateArr | array | Playback rate array for playback rate menu.
playbackRateArr:[ {value: 2, menu_title: '2x'}, {value: 1.5, menu_title: '1.5x'}, {value: 1.25, menu_title: '1.25x'}, {value: 1, menu_title: '1x (Normal)'}, {value: 0.5, menu_title: '0.5x'}, {value: 0.25, menu_title: '0.25x'} ] |
preservePlaybackRate | true / false | Preserve playback rate when changing to different video |
vrInfoImage | image url | Image which is shown over the player when 360 virtual reality video or image panorama starts to remind user this is 360 media and can be dragged around. Valid for self hosted media. |
showPrevNextVideoThumb | true / false | Show next and previous video thubmnail when hovering next / previous buttons (enabled on desktop browsers) |
upNextTime | seconds | Time before "Up Next" thumbnail is shown for next playing media. For example, setting it to 20 will make it appear 20 seconds before current media ends. Leave empty to disable this feature. |
playerClass | list of custom classes to attach to player separated by space. Note, when this is used player will not get any other clases attached that is usually does when you use player default settings (like playlist positioned right of player etc...) | |
usePlayer | true / false | Do not create player code. Default is true. Use this when you have custom player markup like demos: grid1, list1, list2 etc.. and you dont want player created. |
pauseVideoOnDialogOpen | true / false | Pause video when share, embed, video info dialogs are opened above the video. |
rememberVideoQuality | true / false | If your videos have multiple qualities and you want to preserve video quality across different videos (valid for html5 hosted video, audio). |
forceYtChromeless | true / false | Hide youtube elements above player (title, share, related videos etc..) |
Translation settings:
Parameter | Value | Description |
tooltipTumblr | Share On Tumblr | tooltip Share Tumblr |
tooltipTwitter | Share On Twitter | tooltip Share Twitter |
tooltipFacebook | Share On Facebook | tooltip Share Facebook |
tooltipWhatsApp | Share On WhatsApp | tooltip Share WhatsApp |
tooltipReddit | Share On Reddit | tooltip Share Reddit |
tooltipDigg | Share On Digg | tooltip Share Digg |
tooltipLinkedIn | Share On LinkedIn | tooltip Share LinkedIn |
tooltipPinterest | Share On Pinterest | tooltip Share Pinterest |
tooltipEmail | Share on Email | Share button Email title text |
tooltipSms | Share on SMS | Share button SMS title text |
tooltipShare | Share | tooltip Share |
tooltipRepeat | Repeat | tooltip Repeat |
tooltipClose | Close | tooltip Close |
embedVideoText | Embed this video: | embed Video Text |
copyVideoLinkText | Copy video link: | copy Video Link Text |
copyEmbedCodeBtnText | Copy | copy Embed Code Btn Text |
copiedEmbedCodeBtnText | Copied! | copied Embed Code Btn Text |
tooltipEmbed | Embed | tooltip Embed |
ageVerifyHeader | Age Verification | age Verify Header Text |
ageVerifyText | By clicking enter, I certify that I am over the age of 21 and will comply with this statement. | age Verify Text |
ageVerifyEnterText | ENTER | age Verify Enter Text |
ageVerifyDividerText | or | age Verify Divider Text |
ageVerifyExitText | EXIT | age Verify Exit Text |
ofText | of | tooltip seek video percent of total |
tooltipSeek | Seek | tooltip seek video |
tooltipInfo | Info | tooltip video description |
tooltipQuality | Quality | settings menu video Quality text |
tooltipPlaybackRate | Speed | settings menu Playback rate text |
tooltipSubtitles | Subtitles | settings menu Subtitles text |
tooltipPlay | Play | tooltip Play video |
tooltipPause | Pause | tooltip Pause video |
tooltipPrevious | Previous | tooltip Previous video |
tooltipNext | Next | tooltip Next video |
tooltipRewind | Rewind | tooltip Rewind to beginning |
tooltipSkipBackward | Skip backward | tooltip Skip backward X seconds |
tooltipSkipForward | Skip forward | tooltip Skip Forward X seconds |
tooltipPip | Picture in picture | tooltip Picture in picture |
tooltipCc | Subtitles | tooltip show / hide subtitles |
tooltipAirPlay | AirPlay | tooltip AirPlay |
tooltipVr | Toggle VR mode | tooltip virtual reality 360 mode |
tooltipVolume | Volume | tooltip set Volume |
tooltipMute | Mute | tooltip set Mute |
tooltipDownload | Download | tooltip Download button |
tooltipSettings | Settings | tooltip Settings menu |
tooltipFullscreenEnter | Fullscreen | tooltip Fullscreen Enter |
tooltipFullscreenExit | Exit Fullscreen | tooltip Fullscreen Exit |
tooltipAudioLanguage | Audio | tooltip settings menu audio langauge selector |
tooltipPlaylistToggle | Playlist | tooltip Playlist open / close |
tooltipTheaterMode | Theater mode | tooltip Theater Mode |
castConnectingMsg | Connecting to Chromecast | Connecting to Chromecast message |
tooltipPlayOnTv | Play on TV | chromecast tooltip Playing On Tv |
tooltipStopPlayingOnTv | Stop playing on TV | chromecast tooltip Stop Playing On Tv |
tooltipLightboxPrevious | Previous | tooltip Lightbox Previous video |
tooltipLightboxNext | Next | tooltip Lightbox Next video |
chaptersMenuHeader | Chapters | chapters Menu Header text |
searchChaptersText | Search chapters | search Chapters Text |
tooltipPrevChapter | Previous chapter | tooltip Previous chapter |
tooltipNextChapter | Next chapter | tooltip Next chapter |
tooltipChaptersMenu | Chapters | tooltip Chapters Menu |
subtitleOffText | Disabled | subtitle menu Off Text (no subtitle selected) |
privateContentTitle | This content is private | private Content title |
privateContentConfirm | Submit | private Content Confirm button text |
privateContentInfo | Enter password to view | private Content info |
privateContentPasswordError | Please enter valid password! | private Content Password Error |
customContextCopyVideoUrlText | Copy video url at current time | Right click Context Menu Copy Video Url Text |
loadMoreBtnText | Load more | load More Button Text |
upNextText | Up Next | up Next Video Text |
upNextPreviousText | Previous | Previous Video Text |
adTitleText | Advertisement | ad title Text |
adSkipWaitText | You can skip ad in | ad Skip Wait Text |
adSkipReadyText | SKIP AD > | ad Skip Ready Text |
adUpcomingMsgText | Ad will start in.. | ad Upcoming Text |
searchText | Search... | search field placeholder text |
searchNothingFoundMsg | Nothing found | search Nothing Found message |
liveStreamText | LIVE | live Stream Text |
upcomingLiveStreamText | Scheduled for | live Stream Scheduled for Text |
annotationCloseTooltip | Close | annotation Close Tooltip |
searchTranscriptText | Search transcript | search Transcript Text |
tooltipTranscript | Transcript | tooltip Transcript |
paginationPreviousBtnTitle | Previous | pagination Previous Button Title |
paginationPreviousBtnText | Prev | pagination Previous Button Text |
paginationNextBtnTitle | Previous | pagination Next Button Title |
paginationNextBtnText | Previous | pagination Next Button Text |
unmuteBtnText | Enable volume | unmute button Text |
tooltipPlay | Play | tooltip Play |
tooltipPause | Pause | tooltip Pause |
tooltipFullscreenEnter | Fullscreen | tooltip Fullscreen Enter |
tooltipFullscreenExit | Exit Fullscreen | tooltip Fullscreen Exit |
tooltipShare | Share | tooltip Share |
tooltipRepeat | Repeat | tooltip Repeat |
resumeScreenHeader | You are watching | resume Screen Header text |
resumeScreenContinue | Continue watching | resume Screen Continue text |
resumeScreenRestart | Restart from beginning | resume Screen Restart text |
comingNextHeader | Coming Next | coming Next Header text |
comingNextCancelBtnText | CANCEL | coming Next Cancel button Text |
Internally loaded scripts
vimeo_js: "", vimeoLoader_js: 'js/vimeoLoader.js', youtube_js: "", youtubeLoader_js: 'js/youtubeLoader.js', perfectScrollbar_js: 'js/perfect-scrollbar.min.js', perfectScrollbar_css: "css/perfect-scrollbar.css", hls_js: "", dash_js: "", mediatags_js: "", adsbygoogle_js: "//", gtag_js: "//", three_js: "js/three.min.js",//r127 orbitControls_js: "", md5_js: "", equalizer_js: "js/equalizer.js", rel_js: "js/rel_pagination.js", share_js: "js/share_manager.js", playlist_navigation_js: "js/playlist_navigation.js", vast_js: 'js/vast.js', imaLoader_js: 'js/ima.js', ima_js: '//', rangetouch_js: "js/rangetouch.js", cast_js: 'js/cast.js', cast_sender_js: '',
These are defualt icons for skin aviva. Note that skins pollux and sirius have some different icons, mainly in player controls.
Note that icons could also be images or font icons for example, but you need to add some CSS because current player CSS only handles SVG for icons.
closeIcon: "<svg aria-hidden='true' focusable='false' role='img' viewBox='0 0 320 512'><path d='M207.6 256l107.72-107.72c6.23-6.23 6.23-16.34 0-22.58l-25.03-25.03c-6.23-6.23-16.34-6.23-22.58 0L160 208.4 52.28 100.68c-6.23-6.23-16.34-6.23-22.58 0L4.68 125.7c-6.23 6.23-6.23 16.34 0 22.58L112.4 256 4.68 363.72c-6.23 6.23-6.23 16.34 0 22.58l25.03 25.03c6.23 6.23 16.34 6.23 22.58 0L160 303.6l107.72 107.72c6.23 6.23 16.34 6.23 22.58 0l25.03-25.03c6.23-6.23 6.23-16.34 0-22.58L207.6 256z'></path></svg>", dotsIcon: "<svg viewBox='0 0 128 512'><path d='M56 472a56 56 0 1 1 0-112 56 56 0 1 1 0 112zm0-160a56 56 0 1 1 0-112 56 56 0 1 1 0 112zM0 96a56 56 0 1 1 112 0A56 56 0 1 1 0 96z'/></svg>", zoomCenterIcon: "<svg viewBox='0 0 512 512'><path d='M256 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32V42.4c93.7 13.9 167.7 88 181.6 181.6H480c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32H469.6c-13.9 93.7-88 167.7-181.6 181.6V480c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32s-32-14.3-32-32V469.6C130.3 455.7 56.3 381.7 42.4 288H32c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32H42.4C56.3 130.3 130.3 56.3 224 42.4V32c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32zM107.4 288c12.5 58.3 58.4 104.1 116.6 116.6V384c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32s32 14.3 32 32v20.6c58.3-12.5 104.1-58.4 116.6-116.6H384c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32h20.6C392.1 165.7 346.3 119.9 288 107.4V128c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32s-32-14.3-32-32V107.4C165.7 119.9 119.9 165.7 107.4 224H128c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32H107.4zM256 224a32 32 0 1 1 0 64 32 32 0 1 1 0-64z'/></svg>", zoomResetIcon: "<svg viewBox='0 0 320 512'><path d='M310.6 150.6c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3s-32.8-12.5-45.3 0L160 210.7 54.6 105.4c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3L114.7 256 9.4 361.4c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.8 12.5 45.3 0L160 301.3 265.4 406.6c12.5 12.5 32.8 12.5 45.3 0s12.5-32.8 0-45.3L205.3 256 310.6 150.6z'/></svg>", unmuteIcon: "<svg aria-hidden='true' focusable='false' role='img' viewBox='0 0 640 512'><path d='M633.82 458.1l-69-53.33C592.42 360.8 608 309.68 608 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320 320 320s33.79 11.08 41.68 28.62l27.74 61.64C399.75 433.23 422.6 448 447.78 448H608c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM160 304c-35.35 0-64-28.65-64-64s28.65-64 64-64 64 28.65 64 64-28.65 64-64 64zm320 0c-35.35 0-64-28.65-64-64s28.65-64 64-64 64 28.65 64 64-28.65 64-64 64z'></path></svg>", ccToggleIcon: "<svg aria-hidden='true' focusable='false' role='img' viewBox='0 0 512 512'><path d='M464 64H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v288c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V112c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM218.1 287.7c2.8-2.5 7.1-2.1 9.2.9l19.5 27.7c1.7 2.4 1.5 5.6-.5 7.7-53.6 56.8-172.8 32.1-172.8-67.9 0-97.3 121.7-119.5 172.5-70.1 2.1 2 2.5 3.2 1 5.7l-17.5 30.5c-1.9 3.1-6.2 4-9.1 1.7-40.8-32-94.6-14.9-94.6 31.2.1 48 51.1 70.5 92.3 32.6zm190.4 0c2.8-2.5 7.1-2.1 9.2.9l19.5 27.7c1.7 2.4 1.5 5.6-.5 7.7-53.5 56.9-172.7 32.1-172.7-67.9 0-97.3 121.7-119.5 172.5-70.1 2.1 2 2.5 3.2 1 5.7L420 222.2c-1.9 3.1-6.2 4-9.1 1.7-40.8-32-94.6-14.9-94.6 31.2 0 48 51 70.5 92.2 32.6z'></path></svg>", transcriptIcon: "<svg aria-hidden='true' focusable='false' role='img' viewBox='0 0 384 512'><path d='M224 0H0V512H384V160H224V0zm32 0V128H384L256 0zM112 256H272h16v32H272 112 96V256h16zm0 64H272h16v32H272 112 96V320h16zm0 64H272h16v32H272 112 96V384h16z'/></svg>", settingsMenuIcon: "<svg aria-hidden='true' focusable='false' role='img' viewBox='0 0 512 512'><path d='M487.4 315.7l-42.6-24.6c4.3-23.2 4.3-47 0-70.2l42.6-24.6c4.9-2.8 7.1-8.6 5.5-14-11.1-35.6-30-67.8-54.7-94.6-3.8-4.1-10-5.1-14.8-2.3L380.8 110c-17.9-15.4-38.5-27.3-60.8-35.1V25.8c0-5.6-3.9-10.5-9.4-11.7-36.7-8.2-74.3-7.8-109.2 0-5.5 1.2-9.4 6.1-9.4 11.7V75c-22.2 7.9-42.8 19.8-60.8 35.1L88.7 85.5c-4.9-2.8-11-1.9-14.8 2.3-24.7 26.7-43.6 58.9-54.7 94.6-1.7 5.4.6 11.2 5.5 14L67.3 221c-4.3 23.2-4.3 47 0 70.2l-42.6 24.6c-4.9 2.8-7.1 8.6-5.5 14 11.1 35.6 30 67.8 54.7 94.6 3.8 4.1 10 5.1 14.8 2.3l42.6-24.6c17.9 15.4 38.5 27.3 60.8 35.1v49.2c0 5.6 3.9 10.5 9.4 11.7 36.7 8.2 74.3 7.8 109.2 0 5.5-1.2 9.4-6.1 9.4-11.7v-49.2c22.2-7.9 42.8-19.8 60.8-35.1l42.6 24.6c4.9 2.8 11 1.9 14.8-2.3 24.7-26.7 43.6-58.9 54.7-94.6 1.5-5.5-.7-11.3-5.6-14.1zM256 336c-44.1 0-80-35.9-80-80s35.9-80 80-80 80 35.9 80 80-35.9 80-80 80z'></path></svg>", prevChapterIcon: "<svg aria-hidden='true' focusable='false' role='img' viewBox='0 0 448 512'><path d='M34.5 239L228.9 44.7c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0l22.7 22.7c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.5 0 33.9L131.5 256l154 154.7c9.3 9.4 9.3 24.5 0 33.9l-22.7 22.7c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0L34.5 273c-9.3-9.4-9.3-24.6 0-34zm192 34l194.3 194.3c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0l22.7-22.7c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.5 0-33.9L323.5 256l154-154.7c9.3-9.4 9.3-24.5 0-33.9l-22.7-22.7c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0L226.5 239c-9.3 9.4-9.3 24.6 0 34z'></path></svg>", nextChapterIcon: "<svg aria-hidden='true' focusable='false' role='img' viewBox='0 0 512 512' ><path d='M477.5 273L283.1 467.3c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0l-22.7-22.7c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.5 0-33.9l154-154.7-154-154.7c-9.3-9.4-9.3-24.5 0-33.9l22.7-22.7c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0L477.5 239c9.3 9.4 9.3 24.6 0 34zm-192-34L91.1 44.7c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0L34.5 67.4c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.5 0 33.9l154 154.7-154 154.7c-9.3 9.4-9.3 24.5 0 33.9l22.7 22.7c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0L285.5 273c9.3-9.4 9.3-24.6 0-34z'></path></svg>", chapterToggleIcon: "<svg aria-hidden='true' focusable='false' role='img' viewBox='0 0 512 512'><path d='M464 480H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V80c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h416c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v352c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48zM128 120c-22.091 0-40 17.909-40 40s17.909 40 40 40 40-17.909 40-40-17.909-40-40-40zm0 96c-22.091 0-40 17.909-40 40s17.909 40 40 40 40-17.909 40-40-17.909-40-40-40zm0 96c-22.091 0-40 17.909-40 40s17.909 40 40 40 40-17.909 40-40-17.909-40-40-40zm288-136v-32c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H204c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v32c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h200c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm0 96v-32c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H204c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v32c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h200c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm0 96v-32c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H204c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v32c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h200c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12z'></path></svg>", chapterShareIcon: "<svg viewBox='0 0 512 512'><path d='M152 184h271.5l-127.2-109.8c-10.03-8.656-11.12-23.81-2.469-33.84c8.688-10.06 23.85-11.21 33.85-2.487l176 151.1C508.1 194.4 512 201 512 208c0 6.968-3.029 13.58-8.31 18.14l-176 151.1c-4.531 3.937-10.13 5.847-15.69 5.847c-6.719 0-13.41-2.812-18.16-8.312c-8.656-10.03-7.562-25.19 2.469-33.84l127.2-109.8H152c-57.34 0-104 46.65-104 103.1v119.1C48 469.3 37.25 480 24 480S0 469.3 0 456v-119.1C0 252.2 68.19 184 152 184z'/></svg>", chapterRepeatIcon: "<svg viewBox='0 0 512 512'><path d='M176 128h143.1l-.0065 56c0 9.703 5.846 18.45 14.82 22.17s19.28 1.656 26.16-5.203l80.01-80c9.373-9.371 9.373-24.57 0-33.94l-80.01-80c-6.877-6.859-17.19-8.922-26.16-5.203S319.1 14.3 319.1 24V80H176C78.95 80 0 158.1 0 256c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24S48 269.3 48 256C48 185.4 105.4 128 176 128zM488 232c-13.25 0-24 10.75-24 24c0 70.59-57.42 128-128 128H192l.0114-56c0-9.703-5.846-18.45-14.82-22.17S157.9 304.2 151 311l-80.01 80c-9.373 9.371-9.373 24.57 0 33.94l80.01 80c6.877 6.859 17.19 8.922 26.16 5.203S192 497.7 192 488L192 432H336c97.05 0 176-78.97 176-176C512 242.8 501.3 232 488 232z'/></svg>", theaterToggleIcon: "<svg aria-hidden='true' focusable='false' role='img' viewBox='0 0 459 459'><path d='M408,51H51C22.95,51,0,73.95,0,102v255c0,28.05,22.95,51,51,51h357c28.05,0,51-22.95,51-51V102 C459,73.95,436.05,51,408,51z M408,357H51V102h357V357z'/></svg>", castOffIcon: "<svg height='17' viewBox='0 0 512 512'><path d='M447.8,64H64c-23.6,0-42.7,19.1-42.7,42.7v63.9H64v-63.9h383.8v298.6H298.6V448H448c23.6,0,42.7-19.1,42.7-42.7V106.7 C490.7,83.1,471.4,64,447.8,64z M21.3,383.6L21.3,383.6l0,63.9h63.9C85.2,412.2,56.6,383.6,21.3,383.6L21.3,383.6z M21.3,298.6V341 c58.9,0,106.6,48.1,106.6,107h42.7C170.7,365.6,103.7,298.7,21.3,298.6z M213.4,448h42.7c-0.5-129.5-105.3-234.3-234.8-234.6l0,42.4 C127.3,255.6,213.3,342,213.4,448z'></path></svg>", castOnIcon: "<svg viewBox='0 0 48 48'><path d='M0 0h48v48h-48z' fill='none' opacity='.1'/><path d='M0 0h48v48h-48z' fill='none'/><path d='M2 36v6h6c0-3.31-2.69-6-6-6zm0-8v4c5.52 0 10 4.48 10 10h4c0-7.73-6.27-14-14-14zm36-14h-28v3.27c7.92 2.56 14.17 8.81 16.73 16.73h11.27v-20zm-36 6v4c9.94 0 18 8.06 18 18h4c0-12.15-9.85-22-22-22zm40-14h-36c-2.21 0-4 1.79-4 4v6h4v-6h36v28h-14v4h14c2.21 0 4-1.79 4-4v-28c0-2.21-1.79-4-4-4z'/></svg>", airplayIcon: "<svg height='48' viewBox='0 0 48 48' width='48'><defs><path d='M0 0h48v48H0V0z' id='a'/></defs><defs><path d='M0 0h48v48H0V0z' id='c'/></defs><clipPath id='b'><use overflow='visible' xlink:href='#a'/></clipPath><clipPath clip-path='url(#b)' id='d'><use overflow='visible' xlink:href='#c'/></clipPath><path clip-path='url(#d)' d='M42 6H6c-2.2 0-4 1.8-4 4v24c0 2.2 1.8 4 4 4h8v-4H6V10h36v24h-8v4h8c2.2 0 4-1.8 4-4V10c0-2.2-1.8-4-4-4zM12 44h24L24 32z'/></svg>", bigPlayIcon: "<svg aria-hidden='true' focusable='false' role='img' viewBox='0 0 373.008 373.008' role='img' aria-label='Play'><path d='M61.792,2.588C64.771,0.864,68.105,0,71.444,0c3.33,0,6.663,0.864,9.655,2.588l230.116,167.2 c5.963,3.445,9.656,9.823,9.656,16.719c0,6.895-3.683,13.272-9.656,16.713L81.099,370.427c-5.972,3.441-13.334,3.441-19.302,0 c-5.973-3.453-9.66-9.833-9.66-16.724V19.305C52.137,12.413,55.818,6.036,61.792,2.588z'/></svg>",
This section explains how to load a playlist on start. Videos can be added to player using HTML markup or object notation.
HTML5 video example, you need to have this in page BODY:
<div id="mvp-playlist-list"> <div class="playlist-video1"> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="VIDEO_URL1" data-title="This is first video"></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="VIDEO_URL2" data-title="This is second video"></div> </div> </div>
To load this playlist on start use following settings:
playlistList: "#mvp-playlist-list", activePlaylist:".playlist-video1",
Youtube playlist example, you need to have this in page BODY:
<div id="mvp-playlist-list"> <div class="playlist-youtube1"> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="youtube_playlist" data-path="PLFgquLnL59alCl_2TQvOiD5Vgm1hCaGSI"></div> </div> </div>
To load this playlist on start use following settings:
playlistList: "#mvp-playlist-list", activePlaylist:".playlist-youtube1",
Check api.html demo which contains all possible playlist examples.
HTML5 video example, use following settings:
media:[ { type:'video', path:'VIDEO_URL1', title:'This is first video', thumb:'video-thumb-url', }, { type:'video', path:'VIDEO_URL2', title:'This is second video', thumb:'video-thumb-url', poster:'optional-poster-here' }, ]
Youtube playlist example, use following settings:
media:[ { type:'youtube_playlist', path:'PLFgquLnL59alCl_2TQvOiD5Vgm1hCaGSI', }, ]
Check object_playlist.html demo which contains all possible playlist examples.
This section shows how to create videos. Videos can be added using HTML markup or object notation.
Example (HTML markup):
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path='[{"quality": "480p", "mp4": "media/video/01.mp4"}, {"quality": "1280p", "mp4": "media/video/01_1280p.mp4"}, {"quality": "720p", "mp4": "media/video/01_720p.mp4"}]' data-quality="1280p" data-poster="media/video/poster/01.jpg" data-download="media/video/01.mp4" data-thumb="media/video/thumb/01.jpg" data-title="Video title goes here" data-description="Self hosted video. Commodo vitae, tempor eu, urna eu mi hendrerit. Maecenas eu erat condimentum."> <div class="mvp-subtitles"> <div data-label="English" data-src="data/subtitles/sintel-en.vtt" data-default></div> <div data-label="German" data-src="data/subtitles/sintel-de.vtt"></div> <div data-label="Spanish" data-src="data/subtitles/sintel-es.vtt"></div> </div> </div>
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-type | yes | video |
data-is360 | for 360 videos | |
data-path | yes | path to video quality menu title / video file url (mp4 is supported format) (multiple qualities can be supplied) |
data-quality | default quality on start for desktop | |
data-poster | video poster | |
data-poster-frame-time | seconds | set any video frame time as poster for self hosted video. For example, set 2 to display frame at 2 seconds into the video as poster (can be decimal value for example: 2.3). Requires autoPlay:false in settings. Do not set data-poster if you want this feature. |
mvp-subtitles | List of subtitles. | |
data-download | download path | |
data-start | media start time in seconds | |
data-end | media end time in seconds | |
data-playback-rate | media playback speed: | |
data-aspect-ratio | overwite aspect ratio from settings. Set how media displays in player; possible values: 0 = original, 1 = fit-inside, 2 = fit-outside. Deprecated | |
data-link | Url link to open when you click on video area. (Not valid for 360 videos and images) | |
data-target | Url link target (_blank, _parent..) | |
data-end-link | Url link to open on media end (when media finishes). | |
data-end-target | Url link target (_blank, _parent..) | |
data-duration | video duration in seconds (manually add duration). If you want to have duration visible in thumbnails check playlistItemContent |
data-path can also be used like this (simple):
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/01.mp4" data-poster="media/video/poster/01.jpg" data-download="media/video/01.mp4" data-thumb="media/video/thumb/01.jpg" data-title="Video title goes here" data-description="Self hosted video. Commodo vitae, tempor eu, urna eu mi hendrerit. Maecenas eu erat condimentum."></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'video', path:[ { quality: 'HD', mp4: 'media/video/01_hd.mp4', }, { quality: 'SD', mp4: 'media/video/01.mp4', }, { quality: '720p', mp4: 'media/video/01.mp4', } ], quality:'720p',//default quality desktop qualityMobile:'SD', //default quality mobile previewSeek: 'auto',//show video preview when seeking video thumb:'media/video/thumb/01.jpg',//thumbnail for playlist poster:'media/video/poster/01.jpg',//video poster posterFrameTime:5,//poster alternative (show video at time seconds on start) download:'media/video/01.mp4',//download url title:'Self hosted video here', description:'Duis egestas, quam faucibus interdum <a href="" target="_blank">this is a link</a>, enim sem tincidunt tellus, sed condimentum tellus. Praesent molestie. Nunc Venenatis Sapien Ultrices Dui. Vivamus dolor. Integer vel ante.', date:'3/23/2020', show date in playlist items (MM/DD/YEAR) playCount:43254,//show play count in playlist items duration:74,//show duration in playlist items (seconds) hoverPreview:"data/hover/01.gif",//show video preview in playlist items (gif or video) subtitles:[ { label: 'English', src: 'data/subtitles/sintel-en.vtt', default:true//only if rememeberCaptionState is false }, { label: 'German', src: 'data/subtitles/sintel-de.vtt' }, { label: 'Spanish', src: 'data/subtitles/sintel-es.vtt' } ], chapters:"data/chapters/01.vtt",//show chapters start:10,//start at seconds end:35,//end at seconds playbackRate:2,//playback rate link:'',//go to url on video pause target:'_blank', endLink:'',//go to url on video end endTarget:'_self', pwd:'202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70',//enter password to view video, password = 123 //vast url vast:'', }
path can also be used like this (simple):
{ type:'video', path:'media/video/01_hd.mp4' }
This is also a minimum required for video to be added. Other parameters are optional.
If your videos have multiple qualities and you want to preserve video quality across different videos, use following settings:
Player supports playing virtual reality video and image panorama.
Example mp4 video (HTML markup):
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-is360="1" data-path='[{"quality": "default", "mp4": "media/360_video/03.mp4"}]' data-poster="media/360_video/03.jpg" data-title="360 video title goes here"></div>
Example hls video:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="hls" data-is360="1" data-path="" data-thumb="THUMB_URL" data-title="HLS Video title goes here" ></div>
Note: IOS currently does not support HLS (m3u8) format so you need a backup mp4 video url if you want it to be played on IOS.
VR video can be monoscopic (single screen) which is default or it can be stereoscopic (double screen). If you video is stereoscopic, add data-vr-mode="stereoscopic" attribute:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-is360="1" data-vr-mode="stereoscopic" data-path='[{"quality": "default", "mp4": "media/360_video/03.mp4"}]' data-poster="media/360_video/03.jpg" data-title="360 video title goes here"></div>
Gyroscope should work automatically if supported (note that Gyroscope function needs https url and the list of supported browsers is here: )
Note that if device does not support stereoscopic mode, video will be played in monoscopic mode.
Example (object notation):
{ type:'video', path:'media/360_video/03.mp4', poster:'media/360_video/03.jpg', thumb:'media/360_video/thumb/03.jpg', title:'Self hosted 360 video monoscopic', is360:true, vrMode: 'monoscopic'//monoscopic, stereoscopic },
Example virtual reality 360 image:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="image" data-is360="1" data-path="media/360_image/01.jpg" data-thumb="media/360_image/thumb/01.jpg" data-title="Image title goes here" data-description="Custom description. Commodo vitae, tempor eu, urna eu mi hendrerit. Maecenas eu erat condimentum."></div>
Parameters for 360 video and images:
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-type | yes | video / image |
data-is360 | is 360 video / image panorama. Choose this if content is 360 virtual reality video or image panorama. | |
data-path | yes | path to video quality menu title / video file url (mp4 is supported format) (multiple qualities can be supplied) |
data-quality | default quality on start for desktop | |
data-poster | video poster | |
data-poster-frame-time | seconds | set any video frame time as poster for self hosted video. For example, set 2 to display frame at 2 seconds into the video as poster (can be decimal value for example: 2.3). Requires autoPlay:false in settings. Do not set data-poster if you want this feature. |
mvp-subtitles | List of subtitles. | |
data-download | download path | |
data-start | media start time in seconds | |
data-end | media end time in seconds | |
data-playback-rate | media playback speed: | |
data-aspect-ratio | overwite aspect ratio from settings. Set how media displays in player; possible values: 0 = original, 1 = fit-inside, 2 = fit-outside | |
data-link | Url link to open when you click on video area. (Not valid for 360 videos and images) | |
data-target | Url link target (_blank, _parent..) | |
data-end-link | Url link to open on media end (when media finishes). | |
data-end-target | Url link target (_blank, _parent..) | |
data-duration | video duration in seconds (manually add duration). If you want to have duration visible in thumbnails check playlistItemContent |
Available settings for panorama images:
Parameter | Value | Description |
autoRotatePanorama | 1 = true / 0 = false | Auto rotate panorama images (like rotating camera) |
autoRotateSpeed | number | Speed of auto rotation (default 0.5). Positive number rotates in the left direction. If you want to rotate in the right direction enter negative number (-0.5) |
Example (object notation):
{ type:'image', path:'media/360_image/01.jpg', is360:true, thumb:'media/360_image/thumb/01.jpg', title:'This is image 360 panorama' },
Supported are Apple HLS and MPEG DASH live streams.
Example HLS:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="hls" data-path="" data-thumb="media/video/thumb/02.jpg" data-title="HLS Video title goes here" data-description="Send live and on‐demand audio and video to iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, and PC with HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) technology from Apple."></div>
Note: IOS currently does not support hls (m3u8) format so you need a backup mp4 video url if you want it to be playback on ios.
Example (object notation):
{ type:'hls', path: '', title:'Addaptive streaming HLS', description:'Support for Apple HLS M3U8 and MPEG DASH live streaming, adaptive bitrate with subtitles and multilanguage audio support.', },
Example DASH:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="dash" data-path="" data-mp4="" data-thumb="media/video/thumb/02.jpg" data-title="Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP" data-description="MPEG-DASH is the first adaptive bit-rate HTTP-based streaming solution that is an international standard.[1] MPEG-DASH should not be confused with a transport protocol — the transport protocol that MPEG-DASH uses is TCP."></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'dash', path: '', title:'Addaptive streaming DASH', description: 'MPEG-DASH is the first adaptive bit-rate HTTP-based streaming solution that is an international standard.[1] MPEG-DASH should not be confused with a transport protocol — the transport protocol that MPEG-DASH uses is TCP.' },
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-type | yes | hls / dash |
data-path | yes | for hls: path to m3u8 HLS live stream for dash: path to dash manifest live stream |
data-mp4 | Add url to mp4 video as a backup for browsers that do not support live streaming. (ios dash, ..?) | |
data-poster | video poster | |
data-download | download path | |
data-playback-rate | media playback speed: | |
data-aspect-ratio | overwite aspect ratio from settings. Set how media displays in player; possible values: 0 = original, 1 = fit-inside, 2 = fit-outside | |
data-link | Url link to open when you click on video area. (Not valid for 360 videos and images) | |
data-target | Url link target (_blank, _parent..) | |
data-end-link | Url link to open on media end (when media finishes). | |
data-end-target | Url link target (_blank, _parent..) |
You can pass your own config parameters to hls using following settings:
For example:
hlsConfig:{ maxFragLookUpTolerance: 0.25, liveSyncDurationCount: 3, liveMaxLatencyDurationCount: Infinity }
You can pass your own config parameters to dash using following settings:
For example:
dashConfig:{ 'streaming': { 'stableBufferTime': stableBuffer, 'bufferTimeAtTopQualityLongForm': bufferAtTopQuality, 'abr': { 'minBitrate': { 'video': minBitrate }, 'maxBitrate': { 'video': maxBitrate }, 'limitBitrateByPortal': limitByPortal } } }
Check Offline image section if you want to display image when your stream is offline.
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="audio" data-path='[{"quality": "128kbps", "mp3": "media/audio/02.mp3", "wav": "media/audio/wav/01.wav"},{"quality": "320kbps", "mp3": "media/audio/02_320kbps.mp3"}]' data-quality="320kbps" data-poster="media/audio/poster/01.jpg" data-download="media/audio/01.mp3" data-thumb="media/audio/thumb/01.jpg" data-title="Audio title goes here" data-description="Self hosted audio. Commodo vitae, tempor eu, urna eu mi hendrerit. Maecenas eu erat condimentum."> <div class="mvp-subtitles"> <div data-label="English" data-src="data/subtitles/sintel-en.vtt" data-default></div> <div data-label="German" data-src="data/subtitles/sintel-de.vtt"></div> <div data-label="Spanish" data-src="data/subtitles/sintel-es.vtt"></div> </div> </div>
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-type | yes | audio |
data-path | yes | path to audio quality menu title / audio file url (mp3, wav are supported formats, wav takes priority over mp3 if supplied and supported by browser) (multiple qualities can be supplied). Mp3 format is supported in all browsers. |
data-quality | default quality on start for desktop | |
data-poster | audio poster (image shown while audio plays) | |
mvp-subtitles | List of subtitles. | |
data-download | download path | |
data-start | media start time in seconds | |
data-end | media end time in seconds | |
data-playback-rate | media playback speed: | |
data-link | Url link to open when you click on video area. (Not valid for 360 videos and images) | |
data-target | Url link target (_blank, _parent..) | |
data-end-link | Url link to open on media end (when media finishes). | |
data-end-target | Url link target (_blank, _parent..) | |
data-duration | audio duration in seconds (manually add duration). If you want to have duration visible in thumbnails check playlistItemContent |
Example (object notation):
{ type:'audio', path:'media/audio/02.mp3', poster:'media/audio/poster/01.jpg', //slideshowImages:['media/audio/slideshow/01.jpg','media/audio/slideshow/02.jpg','media/audio/slideshow/03.jpg','media/audio/slideshow/04.jpg','media/audio/slideshow/05.jpg'],//alternative to poster thumb:'media/audio/thumb/02.jpg', title:'Audio title goes here', },
While audio plays there are several options to show in the player area:
1. Show image poster (using data-poster)
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="audio" data-path='[{"quality": "128kbps", "mp3": "media/audio/02.mp3"}]' data-quality="320kbps" data-poster="media/audio/poster/01.jpg"></div>
2. Play image slideshow, example:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="audio" data-path='[{"quality": "128kbps", "mp3": "media/audio/02.mp3"}]' data-quality="320kbps" data-slideshow-images="media/audio/slideshow/01.jpg,media/audio/slideshow/02.jpg,media/audio/slideshow/03.jpg,media/audio/slideshow/04.jpg,media/audio/slideshow/05.jpg"></div>
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-slideshow-images | yes | url to images to play in slideshow separated by comma |
Available settings:
Parameter | Value | Description |
slideshowDuration | seconds | duration in seconds between new image appear |
slideshowRandom | 1 = true / 0 = false | Wheater to randomize slideshow images |
slideshowPauseWithAudio | 1 = true / 0 = false | Wheater to pause slideshow while audio is paused |
3. Use audio visualizer
Example normal image:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="image" data-path="media/image/01.jpg" data-download="media/image/01.jpg" data-duration="5000" data-thumb="media/image/thumb/01.jpg" data-title="Image title goes here" data-description="Custom description. Commodo vitae, tempor eu, urna eu mi hendrerit. Maecenas eu erat condimentum."></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'image', path:'media/image/01.jpg', thumb:'media/image/thumb/01.jpg', title:'This is image' },
Example virtual reality 360 image:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="image" data-is360="1" data-path="media/360_image/01.jpg" data-thumb="media/360_image/thumb/01.jpg" data-title="Image title goes here" data-description="Custom description. Commodo vitae, tempor eu, urna eu mi hendrerit. Maecenas eu erat condimentum."></div>
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-type | yes | image |
data-is360 | for 360 images. Choose this if content is 360 virtual reality video or image panorama. | |
data-path | yes | path to image |
data-download | download path | |
data-duration | duration (how long to show the image, in seconds) | |
data-aspect-ratio | overwite aspect ratio from settings. Set how media displays in player; possible values: 0 = original, 1 = fit-inside, 2 = fit-outside | |
data-link | Url link to open when you click on video area. (Not valid for 360 videos and images) | |
data-target | Url link target (_blank, _parent..) | |
data-end-link | Url link to open on media end (when media finishes). | |
data-end-target | Url link target (_blank, _parent..) |
Example (object notation):
{ type:'image', path:'media/360_image/01.jpg', is360:true, thumb:'media/360_image/thumb/01.jpg', title:'This is image 360 panorama' },
Youtube requires API key which needs to be entered in configuration: youtubeAppId
Go here for the API key: and create new project, enable YouTube Data API, go to Credentials, create API key.
Tutorial on how to create Youtube API key: Get youtube api key
Youtube player type: default / chromeless. This can be adjusted in configuration
Youtube player can use Youtube "default" controls or custom controls as "chromeless" player.
Youtube single video:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="youtube_single" data-path="5zYArkwq2PQ"></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'youtube_single', path:'pSOoXLRBDuk', }
Its also possible to play Youtube single video without api (provide video title, description and thumbnail yourself). In this case Youtube api key in not required. Youtube single video example (note data-noapi attribute which means dont use api to retrieve video title, description and thumbnail):
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="youtube_single" data-path="jXSxzMTrKq0" data-title="This is Youtube video" data-description="Rihanna has arrived! So Kodak commercial featuring Rihanna and the all new m590 camera from Kodak." data-thumb="" data-noapi></div>
Video title, description and thumbnail are optional, so technically this is enough to play Youtube single videos without api:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="youtube_single" data-path="jXSxzMTrKq0" data-noapi></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'youtube_single', path:'pSOoXLRBDuk', title:'Giorgio Armanis boudoir fashion commercial 10', description:'Russo supe Sasha Pivovarova è universalmente celebrata per il suo look unico, quello di uno straniero in possesso proveniente da un pianeta ghiacciato e possibilmente incrociato con un husky. Così Mert Alas e Marcus Piggott la decisione di lanciare il suo, insieme a maschio supe Diego Fragoso, nel loro futuristico, fashion film ultraterrena per la raccolta di caduta di Giorgio Armani, Boudoir, è stato un gioco da ragazzi. Nel suo elemento ghiaccio, non ha mai guardato meglio.', thumb:'', poster:'', noApi:true }
Youtube live stream video:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="youtube_single" data-path="Lic2fD18wnw" data-noapi title="Youtube video example live stream"></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'youtube_single', path:'Lic2fD18wnw', title:'Youtube video example live stream', description:'some video description here', noApi:true, }
Additional settings:
liveStreamLocale: { weekday: 'long', year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', hourCycle: 'h12'} - default formatting of video scheduled time (for upcoming videos)
One or more Youtube single videos without api but getting video details (include global playlist data option data-get-embed-details):
<div class="playlist-youtube-1"> <div class="mvp-global-playlist-data" data-get-embed-details="1"></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="youtube_single" data-path="jXSxzMTrKq0"></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="youtube_single" data-path="rNTyF4qXw3A"></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="youtube_single" data-path="TmNEG8IFd_Y"></div> </div>
One or more Youtube single videos spearated by comma:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="youtube_single_list" data-path="5zYArkwq2PQ,M4z90wlwYs8,89s2DVcsoyk"></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'youtube_single_list', path:'jXSxzMTrKq0,5zYArkwq2PQ,M4z90wlwYs8', }
Youtube playlist:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="youtube_playlist" data-path="PLijk13kqreIe83BAajgYNGpsx57keRRNz" ></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'youtube_playlist', path:'PLj8xiTIFL1M0VkXq7GGEK5FHNQfKACcWj', //excludeId:'ZH7V2tU3iFc,GE2W93FBdo8',//video ids to exclude //hl:'en',//language code (use localized title and description) }
Youtube channel:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="youtube_channel" data-path="UCNL1ZadSjHpjm4q9j2sVtOA"></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'youtube_channel', path:'UC8k_GMy6W-EG14A6jawiTnQ', }
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-type | yes | youtube_single / youtube_single_list / youtube_playlist / youtube_channel |
data-path | yes | single video id / playlist id / channel id |
data-sort | optional for youtube_channel | date, rating, relevance, title, videoCount, viewCount |
mvp-subtitles | List of subtitles. | |
data-download | custom download url | |
data-start | media start time in seconds | |
data-end | media end time in seconds | |
data-playback-rate | media playback speed: | |
data-thumb | custom thumbnail url | |
data-poster | video poster | |
data-title | custom title | |
data-description | custom description | |
data-is360 | is video 360. Choose this if content is 360 virtual reality video or image panorama. | |
data-end-link | Url link to open on media end (when media finishes). | |
data-end-target | Url link target (_blank, _parent..) | |
data-alt | string | thumbnail alt text. |
data-noapi | Dont use Youtube api to retrieve video title, description and thumbnail (only for youtube single videos). | |
data-exclude | exclude certain videos from showing in the feed (valid for channel, playlist.. not single video ids). Enter one or more video ids separated by comma, example: data-exclude="Bu0UhBrzd8k,LyXsRz2SeCI" | |
data-hl | language code | Use Localized title and description in your own language |
data-cc-lang-pref | subtitle language | If your videos have multiple subtitles languages, you can force to show chosen language this attribute. |
To hide Youtube shorts videos from showing add following in settings:
If your videos have localized title and description, you can show them in your chosen language using data-hl:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="youtube_playlist" data-path="PLijk13kqreIe83BAajgYNGpsx57keRRNz" data-hl="de"></div>
Use language code (BCP-47) for data-hl value:,the%20IANA%20Language%20Subtag%20Registry.How to translate title and description for your Youtube videos: your videos have multiple subtitles languages, you can force to show chosen language using cc_lang_pref parameter.
Example, use French subtitles:
Youtube playlist:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="youtube_playlist" data-path="PLpjK416fmKwQocODJPc1D7PQSoy25VluA" data-cc-lang-pref="fr" ></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'youtube_playlist', path:'PLpjK416fmKwQocODJPc1D7PQSoy25VluA', cc_lang_pref: "fr" }
Use language code for cc_lang_pref value: that the list above is not correct in all cases, for example using Chinese requires following codes:
zh-Hans (Chinese Simplified) zh-Hant (Chinese Traditional)
1. Vimeo requires API key, register new application:
3. Generate Access Token with Public and Private scope. To get video download links you also need Video Files scope as well.
4. Get Token (as vimeo_token) (copy token immediately while its still visible)
Vimeo player type: default / chromeless. This can be adjusted in configuration
Vimeo player can use Vimeo "default" controls or custom controls as "chromeless" player. Chromeless is only available for videos hosted by a Plus account or higher! Other option to use custom controls with Vimeo videos, if you are Vimeo Pro member, you can get direct link to video on their servers, than you can use this as self hosted video type instead to get default player interface.
Vimeo single video:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="vimeo_single" data-path="137812610"></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'vimeo_single', path:'22669590', }
Its also possible to play Vimeo single video without api (provide video title, description and thumbnail yourself). In this case Vimeo api keys are not required. Vimeo single video example (note data-noapi attribute which means dont use api to retrieve video title, description and thumbnail):
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="vimeo_single" data-path="84503186" data-title="This is Vimeo video" data-description="OTBMIAMI Presents High Fashion with We The Fresh clothing." data-thumb="" data-noapi></div>
Video title, description and thumbnail are optional, so technically this is enough to play Vimeo single videos without api:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="vimeo_single" data-path="84503186" data-noapi></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'vimeo_single', path:'22669590', title:'This is Vimeo video', description:'OTBMIAMI Presents High Fashion with We The Fresh clothing. Interesting video.', thumb:'', poster:'', noApi:true }
One or more Vimeo single videos without api but getting video details (include global playlist data option data-get-embed-details):
<div class="playlist-vimeo-1"> <div class="mvp-global-playlist-data" data-get-embed-details="1"></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="vimeo_single" data-path="84503186"></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="vimeo_single" data-path="34267586"></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="vimeo_single" data-path="8268264"></div> </div>
Vimeo single unlisted video:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="vimeo_single" data-path="367337290/f83707b367"></div>
Vimeo single private video:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="vimeo_single" data-path="571485098" data-vpwd="PASSWORD"></div>
data-vpwd = based64 encode your password on the link
Example (object notation):
{ type:'vimeo_single', path:'571485098', title:'Vimeo single private video', vpwd:'PASSWORD' }
Multiple Vimeo single videos: (add multiple single videos spearated by comma)
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="vimeo_single_list" data-path="22669590,34267586,6829621"></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'vimeo_single_list', path:'22669590,34267586,6829621', }
Get a list of the videos in an group:
Example of vimeo group:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="vimeo_group" data-path="artinfx" data-sort="date"></div>data-sort = alphabetical, comments, date, duration, likes, plays
Example (object notation):
{ type:'vimeo_group', path:'artinfx', sort:'date', sortDirection:"asc", }
Get a list of the videos in an channel:
Example of vimeo channel:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="vimeo_channel" data-path="mtb" data-sort="date"></div>data-sort = added, alphabetical, comments, date, default, duration, likes, manual, modified_time, plays
Example (object notation):
{ type:'vimeo_channel', path:'mtb', sort:'added', sortDirection:"desc", }
Get a list of the videos in an album: (requires vimeo username and album ID)
Example of vimeo user: and his album on vimeo:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="vimeo_user_album" data-user-id="filmevondraussen" data-path="4439714" data-sort="date" data-sort-direction="desc"></div>data-sort = alphabetical, comments, date, default, duration, likes, manual, modified_time, plays
Example (object notation):
{ type:'vimeo_user_album', path:'4439714', user_id:"filmevondraussen", sort:'added', sortDirection:"desc", }
Get a list of the videos in an album: (requires album ID) (un-documented method, may not work in future).
Example of album on vimeo:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="vimeo_album" data-path="3498469" data-sort="date" data-sort-direction="desc"></div>data-sort = alphabetical, comments, date, default, duration, likes, manual, modified_time, plays
Get a list of the user videos (required user ID).
Example of user:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="vimeo_user_videos" data-user-id="gopro"></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'vimeo_user_videos', user_id:"gopro", }
Get collection / on demand (required collection ID).
Example of collection on vimeo:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="vimeo_ondemand" data-path="loyisogola" data-sort="date" data-sort-direction="desc"></div>data-sort = date, default, episode, manual, name, purchase_time, release_date
Example (object notation):
{ type:'vimeo_ondemand', path:'loyisogola', sort:'date', sortDirection:"asc", }
Get folder videos (requires vimeo username and folder ID)
Example of user:
Example of folder:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="vimeo_folder" data-path="1444068" data-user-id="user5482434" data-sort="date" data-sort-direction="desc"></div>data-sort = alphabetical, date, default, duration, last_user_action_event_date
Example (object notation):
{ type:'vimeo_folder', path:'1444068', user_id:'user5482434', sort:'date', sortDirection:"asc", }
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-type | yes | vimeo_single / vimeo_video_query / vimeo_group / vimeo_channel / vimeo_user_album / vimeo_user_videos / vimeo_ondemand / vimeo_folder |
data-path | yes | |
data-user-id | user id | |
data-start | media start time in seconds | |
data-end | media end time in seconds | |
data-playback-rate | media playback speed: | |
data-thumb | custom thumbnail url | |
data-poster | video poster | |
data-title | custom title | |
data-description | custom description | |
data-is360 | Choose this if content is 360 virtual reality video or image panorama. | |
data-end-link | Url link to open on media end (when media finishes). | |
data-end-target | Url link target (_blank, _parent..) | |
data-alt | string | thumbnail alt text, default is title. |
data-noapi | Dont use Vimeo api to retrieve video title, description and thumbnail (only for Vimeo single videos). | |
data-sort | Vimeo sort methods. | |
data-sort-direction | sort direction: desc / asc (descending / ascending) | |
data-exclude | exclude certain videos from showing in the feed (valid for channel, playlist.. not single video ids). Enter one or more video ids separated by comma, example: data-exclude="225974870,230396573" |
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="folder_video" data-path="../media/video/"></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'folder_video', path:'../media/video/', sort:'filename-asc' }
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-type | yes | folder_video |
data-path | yes | relative folder path to the plugin "includes" directory (where folder_parser.php file is located) |
data-is360 | Choose this if you want to load whole folder of 360 videos, which means all videos in a folder are 360! | |
data-download | custom download url | |
data-start | media start time in seconds | |
data-end | media end time in seconds | |
data-playback-rate | media playback speed: | |
data-sort | sort method: filename-asc - file name ascending filename-desc - file name descending date-asc - last modification date ascending date-desc - last modification date descending |
Required folder organization needs to look like this:
video folder -- video1.mp4 -- video2.mp4 -- video3.mp4 poster folder (optional) -- video1.jpg -- video2.jpg -- video3.jpg thumb folder (optional) -- video1.jpg -- video2.jpg -- video3.jpg subtitles folder (optional) video1 folder //folder named the same as the video to which subtitles belong to! -- English.vtt //subtitle file -- German.vtt video2 folder -- English.vtt -- German.vtt video3 folder -- English.vtt -- German.vtt
We have main folder (called "video" in our example, this can be called anyhow). Inside "video" folder are videos, poster, thumb, subtitles folder. "poster", "thumb", "subtitles" folders are optional. Inside "poster" directory poster files are located, inside "thumb" directory thumbnails for the playlist are located. Inside "subtitles" folder, we have subtitles for each video.
Note: Equivalent video and poster/thumbnail file names need to be the same!
Each of subtitles directory can contain any number of subtitles in vtt or srt format. Subtitle name (without extension is what will be seen in subtitle menu in the player (thats why we used English.vtt, German.vtt etc...)
If you want to use any of these aditional features except videos (poster, thumbnails, subtitles), use following options in player. This way player will assume you have set your directory configuration as described above.
requirePosterFromFolder:true, requireThumbnailsFromFolder:true, requireSubtitlesFromFolder:true,
Multiple video qualities are not allowed when reading folders! So you cannot have for example (video1.mp4, video1_HD.mp4 inside a folder), this will simply be processed as different video, not different quality.
Required extension for video files is mp4. Required extension for poster and image thumbnails is jpg.
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="folder_audio" data-path="../media/audio/"></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'folder_audio', path:'../media/audio/', sort:'filename-asc', id3:true }
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-type | yes | folder_audio |
data-path | yes | relative folder path to the plugin "includes" directory (where folder_parser.php file is located) |
data-download | custom download url | |
data-start | media start time in seconds | |
data-end | media end time in seconds | |
data-playback-rate | media playback speed: | |
data-id3 | get id3 tags from files | |
data-sort | sort method: filename-asc - file name ascending filename-desc - file name descending date-asc - last modification date ascending date-desc - last modification date descending |
Required folder organization needs to look like this:
audio folder -- audio1.mp4 -- audio2.mp4 -- audio3.mp4 poster folder (optional) -- audio1.jpg -- audio2.jpg -- audio3.jpg thumb folder (optional) -- audio1.jpg -- audio2.jpg -- audio3.jpg subtitles folder (optional) audio1 folder //folder named the same as the audio to which subtitles belong to! -- English.vtt //subtitle file -- German.vtt audio2 folder -- English.vtt -- German.vtt audio3 folder -- English.vtt -- German.vtt
We have main folder (called "audio" in our example, this can be called anyhow). Inside "audio" folder are audio files, poster, thumb, subtitles folder. "poster", "thumb", "subtitles" folders are optional. Inside "poster" directory poster files are located, inside "thumb" directory thumbnails for the playlist are located. Inside "subtitles" folder, we have subtitles for each audio.
Note: Equivalent audio and poster/thumbnail file names need to be the same!
If you want to use any of these aditional features (poster, thumbnails, subtitles), use following options in player. This way player will assume you have set your directory configuration as described above.
requirePosterFromFolder:true, requireThumbnailsFromFolder:true, requireSubtitlesFromFolder:true,
Multiple qualities are not allowed when reading folders! So you cannot have for example (audio1.mp3, audio1_320kbps.mp3 inside a folder), this will simply be processed as different audio, not different quality.
Required extension for audio files is mp3, wav. Required extension for poster and image thumbnails is jpg.
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="folder_image" data-path="../media/image/" ></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'folder_image', path:'../media/image/', sort:'filename-asc', duration:5 }
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-type | yes | folder_image |
data-path | yes | relative folder path to the plugin "includes" directory (where folder_parser.php file is located) |
data-download | custom download url | |
data-duration | duration (how long to show the image, in seconds) | |
data-sort | sort method: filename-asc - file name ascending filename-desc - file name descending date-asc - last modification date ascending date-desc - last modification date descending |
Required folder organization needs to look like this:
image folder -- image1.jpg -- image2.jpg -- image3.jpg thumb folder (optional) -- audio1.jpg -- audio2.jpg -- audio3.jpg
Required extension for image files is jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="folder_hls" data-path="../media/hls/"></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'folder_hls', path:'../media/hls/', sort:'filename-asc' }
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-type | yes | folder_hls / folder_dash |
data-path | yes | relative folder path to the plugin "includes" directory (where folder_parser.php file is located) |
data-is360 | Choose this if you want to load whole folder of 360 videos, which means all videos in a folder are 360! | |
data-download | custom download url | |
data-start | media start time in seconds | |
data-end | media end time in seconds | |
data-playback-rate | media playback speed: | |
data-sort | sort method: filename-asc - file name ascending filename-desc - file name descending date-asc - last modification date ascending date-desc - last modification date descending |
Required folder organization needs to look like this:
Following is an example of 3 hls videos in folder:
hls folder 01 folder 01.m3u8 ts files.. poster folder (optional) 01.jpg thumb folder (optional) 01.jpg 02 folder 02.m3u8 ts files.. poster folder (optional) 02.jpg thumb folder (optional) 02.jpg 03 folder 03.m3u8 ts files.. poster folder (optional) 03.jpg thumb folder (optional) 03.jpg
We have main folder (called "hls" in our example, this can be called anyhow). Inside "hls" folder are folders, each folder is a hls video and it contains M3U8 file and all the TS files, and poster, thumb folder. "poster", "thumb", folders are optional. Inside "poster" directory poster file are located, inside "thumb" directory thumbnail for the playlist are located.
Notes: this 01, 02 etc in our example is just the name of the videos. This can be named anyhow, for example:
hls folder super_video folder super_video.m3u8 ts files.. poster folder (optional) super_video.jpg thumb folder (optional) super_video.jpg summer_vacation folder summer_vacation.m3u8 ts files.. poster folder (optional) summer_vacation.jpg thumb folder (optional) summer_vacation.jpg my_sister_wedding folder my_sister_wedding.m3u8 ts files.. poster folder (optional) my_sister_wedding.jpg thumb folder (optional) my_sister_wedding.jpg
If you want to use any of these aditional features except videos (poster, thumbnails, subtitles), use following options in player. This way player will assume you have set your directory configuration as described above.
requirePosterFromFolder:true, requireThumbnailsFromFolder:true,
Google Drive requires API key, go to: and create New project.
After creating project, go to Enable APIs and Services
Search for Google Drive API and Enable Google Drive API
Go to Credentials, Create credentials, create API key
Add key in Player settings (gDriveAppId)
var settings = { gDriveAppId: YOUR_API_KEY }
You can load folder of files from Google Drive or single files.
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="gdrive_folder" data-path="GOOGLE DRIVE FOLDER ID"></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'gdrive_folder', path:'1362Yx-DHvPOKgndzBtwtKCqoe0gY3YBF', sort:'filename-asc', }
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-type | yes | gdrive_folder |
data-path | yes | google drive folder ID (example: 1362Yx-DHvPOKgndzBtwtKCqoe0gY3YBF ) |
data-is360 | Choose this if you want to load whole folder of 360 videos, which means all videos in a folder are 360! | |
data-download | custom download path | |
data-link | playlist item url link | |
data-target | blank/parent, | |
data-start | media start time in seconds | |
data-end | media end time in seconds | |
data-sort | sort method: filename-asc - file name ascending filename-desc - file name descending |
Place videos in your Google drive folder. You can also place poster images for each video (optional).
So you end up with this structure in your folder:
video1.mp4 video1.jpg//optional poster image video2.mp4 video2.jpg//optional poster image ...
This is an example of google drive folder:
Make sure you enable access to folder on Google Drive:
If you want to use single files from Google Drive, use the following method:
Go to Disc – My drive: right click on audio, Get shareable link and you get something like this: use that audio ID to create google drive video URL: This is final URL how google drive audio URL should look: – use this link in player as type video and data-path url: <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="audio" data-path=""></div> You can append you Google Drive api key as well if you are trying to play large files:
You can load folder of files from One Drive or single files.
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="onedrive_folder" data-path="ONE DRIVE SHARE URL" data-sort="filename-asc"></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'onedrive_folder', path:'!Av88sx97IzeiaR3CCQxJcw7WvqI', sort:'filename-desc', }
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-type | yes | onedrive_folder |
data-path | yes | One Drive share url, right click on the folder, choose copy link (example:!Av88sx97IzeiaR3CCQxJcw7WvqI ). If share url has some additional in the url '?xxxx' you can remove this. |
data-is360 | Choose this if you want to load whole folder of 360 videos, which means all videos in a folder are 360! | |
data-download | custom download path | |
data-link | playlist item url link | |
data-target | blank/parent, | |
data-start | media start time in seconds | |
data-end | media end time in seconds | |
data-sort | sort method: filename-asc - file name ascending filename-desc - file name descending date-asc - last modification date ascending date-desc - last modification date descending created-date-asc - created date ascending created-date-desc - created date descending |
Place videos in your One Drive folder. You can also place poster images for each video (optional).
So you end up with this structure in your folder:
video1.mp4 video1.jpg//optional poster image video2.mp4 video2.jpg//optional poster image ...
This is an example of One Drive folder:!Av88sx97Izeibn9rbYCJknd4Mek
If you want to use single files from One Drive, use the following method:
Right click on the file - Embed and copy link, you will get something like this: <iframe src="" width="320" height="133" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen></iframe> Use just the src part: and replace 'embed' with 'download' so you end up with: use this link in player as type video and data-path url: <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path=""></div>
<div class="playlist-xml"> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="xml" data-path="data/xml/1.xml"></div> </div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'xml', path:'data/xml/1.xml', }
XML examples are provided inside package xml directory.
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-type | yes | xml |
data-path | yes | xml url |
Note: XML file needs to be located on the same domain as the player!
Important: note that there are single quotes around data-path attribute! All other quotes inside xml nodes are double quotes!
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path='[{"quality": "SD", "mp4": "media/video/04.mp4"}, {"quality": "1280p", "mp4": "media/video/04.mp4"}, {"quality": "720p", "mp4": "media/video/04.mp4"}]' data-preview-seek="data/seek/04.vtt" data-thumb="media/video/thumb/04.jpg" data-title="Video title goes here" data-description="Self hosted video.">
<div class="playlist-json"> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="json" data-path="data/json/1.txt"></div> </div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'json', path:'data/json/1.txt', }
JSON examples are provided inside package json directory.
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-type | yes | json |
data-path | yes | json url (or txt file) |
Self hosted video example in json with all possible nodes including ads (pre-roll, mid-rolls, end-roll):
{ "type": "video", "path": [ //multiple video qualities supported { "quality": "SD",//menu label "mp4": "media/video/01.mp4"//video url }, { "quality": "1280p", "mp4": "media/video/01.mp4" }, { "quality": "720p", "mp4": "media/video/01.mp4" } ], "quality": "720p", //default video quality on start, optional "poster": "media/video/poster/01.jpg", //optional poster "thumb": "media/video/thumb/01.jpg", //playlist thumb "title": "Video title goes here", //video title "description": "Custom description. Tiam justo commodo in sem dolor iaculis eros nec vivamus dolor.", //video description "download": "media/video/01.mp4", //download url "share": "", //share url "endLink": "", //url link to open on video end "endTarget": "_parent", //url link target "start": "10", //video start time "end": "20", //video end time "playbackRate": "2", //playback rate "subtitles": [ //video subtitles { "label": "English", //menu label "src": "data/subtitles/sintel-en.vtt", //subtitle url "default": true //make this default subtitle on start, optional }, { "label": "German", "src": "data/subtitles/sintel-de.vtt" }, { "label": "Spanish", "src": "data/subtitles/sintel-es.vtt" } ], "adPre": //pre-roll: plays before video starts, only one allowed { "type": "video", "path": [ { "quality": "SD", "mp4": "media/video/ad_01.mp4" } ], "skipEnable": "3", //allow skip to show button after x seconds, optional "link": "", //url link to open when ad is clicked "target": "_blank" //url link target }, "adMid": [ //mid-rolls, multiple allowed, plays during main video playback { "type": "video", "path": [ { "quality": "SD", "mp4": "media/video/ad_02.mp4" } ], "skipEnable": "3", //allow skip to show button after x seconds, optional "begin":"8" //when to begin, in seconds or percentage for exmaple (30%) }, { "type": "youtube", //youtube single mid-roll example "path": "3XJh9n8K3XU", "skipEnable": "3", "begin": "15" } ], "adEnd": //end roll, only one allowed, plays after main video finishes { "type": "video", "path": [ { "quality": "SD", "mp4": "media/video/ad_03.mp4" } ], "skipEnable": "7" //allow skip to show button after x seconds, optional } }
All possible video parameters shown above, here is example with munimum required (even playlist thumb, title and description are optional):
{ "type": "video", "path": [ { "quality": "720p", "mp4": "media/video/01.mp4" } ], "thumb": "media/video/thumb/01.jpg", "title": "Video title goes here", "description": "Custom description. Tiam justo commodo in sem dolor iaculis eros nec vivamus dolor.", }
Load any custom HTML in the player with external file. Place your html inside txt file which will be loaded in the player. File needs to be located on same domain.
Example files are provided in custom directory inside plugin package.
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="custom" data-path="data/custom/fb.txt" data-thumb="media/other/fb.jpg" data-title="This is a Facebook video" data-description="Facebook, Inc. is an American social media and technology company based in Menlo Park, California."></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="custom" data-path="data/custom/gmaps.txt" data-thumb="media/other/gmaps.jpg" data-title="Google maps embed" data-description="Google Maps is a web mapping service developed by Google."></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="custom" data-path="data/custom/wistia.txt" data-thumb="media/other/wistia.png" data-title="Wistia video here" data-description="Wistia provides simple software for creating, managing, and sharing videos for business"></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'custom', path:'data/custom/fb.txt', title:'This is a Facebook video', description:'Facebook, Inc. is an American social media and technology company based in Menlo Park, California.', thumb:'media/other/fb.jpg', }
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-type | yes | custom |
data-path | yes | url to file (same domain limit) |
data-thumb | custom thumbnail url | |
data-title | custom title | |
data-description | custom description | |
data-poster | video poster | |
data-duration | seconds | Time to show this type of media. If not specified it will be showed indefinitely. |
Playlist selector contains a list of playlists that can be loaded on runtime.
Playlist list must contain the following attributes on playlist node:
<div id="mvp-playlist-list"> <div class="playlist-youtube-1" data-title="Youtube playlist" data-description="This is playlist of youtube videos" data-thumb="media/playlist_selector/youtube_playlist.jpg"> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="youtube_playlist" data-path="PLFgquLnL59alCl_2TQvOiD5Vgm1hCaGSI" ></div> </div> <div class="playlist-youtube-2" data-title="Youtube channel" data-description="Youtube channel videos" data-thumb="media/playlist_selector/youtube_channel.jpg"> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="youtube_channel" data-path="UCqhnX4jA0A5paNd1v-zEysw" data-sort="date"></div> </div> </div>
Note the attributes data-title, data-description, data-thumb. This is what is displayed inside playlist selector list:
Available settings
Parameter | Value | Description |
makePlaylistSelector | true / false | Create playlist selector from available playlists. |
autoOpenPlaylistSelector | true / false | Auto open playlist selector on start |
autoAdvanceToNextPlaylist | true / false | Auto advance to next playlist. If this is true, loopingOn is false and next playlist is auto loaded when last video finishes playing in current playlist. |
Check playlist_selector.html demo for more info.
There are following adverts supported in the player:
Normal adverts can be video, audio file, image file (with data-duration set), Youtube single video or Vimeo single video with chromeless player. They can be added before main media starts, during main media play and after main media ends.
Adverts are added inside div class="mvp-ad-section". This can be inside mvp-playlist-item or inside global playlist data as global adverts (apply for every item in playlist).
Add preroll advert which will play before main media starts (mvp-ad-pre). If multiple are added, they will play in sequence and after they all finish, main video will start.
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/01.mp4" data-poster="media/video/poster/01.jpg" data-thumb="media/video/thumb/01.jpg" data-title="Video title goes here" data-description="Self hosted video. Commodo vitae, tempor eu, urna eu mi hendrerit. Maecenas eu erat condimentum."> <div class="mvp-ad-section"> <div class="mvp-ad mvp-ad-pre" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/ad_01.mp4" data-skip-enable="10"></div> <div class="mvp-ad mvp-ad-pre" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/ad_02.mp4" data-skip-enable="20"></div> </div> </div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'video', path:'media/video/04.mp4', poster:'media/video/poster/04.jpg', title:'Video title here', thumb:'media/video/thumb/04.jpg', adPre: [ { type: "video", path: [ { "quality": "SD", "mp4": "media/video/ad_01.mp4" } ], skipEnable: 3, link: "", target: "_blank" }, { type: "youtube", path: "jXSxzMTrKq0", skipEnable: 4 } ] }
Add midroll advert which will play during main media (mvp-ad-mid). They require data-begin attribute (when ad starts).
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/01.mp4" data-poster="media/video/poster/01.jpg" data-thumb="media/video/thumb/01.jpg" data-title="Video title goes here" data-description="Self hosted video. Commodo vitae, tempor eu, urna eu mi hendrerit. Maecenas eu erat condimentum."> <div class="mvp-ad-section"> <div class="mvp-ad mvp-ad-mid" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/ad_02.mp4" data-skip-enable="7" data-begin="10"></div> <div class="mvp-ad mvp-ad-mid" data-type="audio" data-path="media/audio/01.mp3" data-skip-enable="7" data-begin="20" data-poster="media/audio/poster/01.jpg"></div> <div class="mvp-ad mvp-ad-mid" data-type="youtube" data-path="3XJh9n8K3XU" data-skip-enable="3" data-begin="30"></div> <div class="mvp-ad mvp-ad-mid" data-type="image" data-path="media/image/01.jpg" data-duration="5" data-skip-enable="2" data-begin="40"></div> </div> </div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'video', path:'media/video/04.mp4', poster:'media/video/poster/04.jpg', title:'Video title here', thumb:'media/video/thumb/04.jpg', adMid: [ { type: "video", path: [ { "quality": "SD", "mp4": "media/video/ad_02.mp4" } ], skipEnable: 3, begin: 8, link:'', target:'_blank', }, { type: "vimeo", path: "22669590", skipEnable: 3, begin: 15 } ] }
Add endroll advert which will play after main media ends (mvp-ad-end). If multiple are added, they will play in sequence and after they all finish, next media will be called.
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/01.mp4" data-poster="media/video/poster/01.jpg" data-thumb="media/video/thumb/01.jpg" data-title="Video title goes here" data-description="Self hosted video. Commodo vitae, tempor eu, urna eu mi hendrerit. Maecenas eu erat condimentum."> <div class="mvp-ad-section"> <div class="mvp-ad mvp-ad-end" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/ad_03.mp4" data-skip-enable="7"></div> <div class="mvp-ad mvp-ad-end" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/ad_04.mp4" data-skip-enable="0"></div> </div> </div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'video', path:'media/video/04.mp4', poster:'media/video/poster/04.jpg', title:'Video title here', thumb:'media/video/thumb/04.jpg', adEnd: [ { type: "video", path: [ { "quality": "SD", "mp4": "media/video/ad_03.mp4" } ], skipEnable: 7 }, { type: "youtube", path: "3XJh9n8K3XU" } ] }
Adverts can be defined inside global playlist data as global adverts (apply for every item in playlist).
<div id="mvp-playlist-list"> <div class="playlist-test"> <div class="mvp-global-playlist-data"> <div class="mvp-ad-section"> <div class="mvp-ad mvp-ad-pre" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/ad_01.mp4" data-skip-enable="10"></div> <div class="mvp-ad mvp-ad-pre" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/ad_02.mp4" data-skip-enable="20"></div> <div class="mvp-ad mvp-ad-mid" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/ad_02.mp4" data-skip-enable="7" data-begin="10"></div> <div class="mvp-ad mvp-ad-mid" data-type="vimeo" data-path="279267531" data-skip-enable="4" data-begin="15"></div> <div class="mvp-ad mvp-ad-mid" data-type="audio" data-path="media/audio/01.mp3" data-skip-enable="7" data-begin="20" data-poster="media/audio/poster/01.jpg"></div> <div class="mvp-ad mvp-ad-end" data-type="youtube" data-path="pSOoXLRBDuk" data-skip-enable="7"></div> <div class="mvp-ad mvp-ad-end" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/ad_04.mp4" data-skip-enable="0"></div> </div> </div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item"... </div> </div>
Note that when you create mvp-ad-section in mvp-global-playlist-data , if you have mvp-ad-section inside the individual videos, they will still be used instead of mvp-global-playlist-data.
Example adverts is global playlist data (object notation):
globalPlaylistData:{ //ads adPre: [ { type: "video", path: [ { "quality": "SD", "mp4": "media/video/ad_01.mp4" } ], skipEnable: 3, link: "", target: "_blank" }, { type: "youtube", path: "jXSxzMTrKq0", skipEnable: 4 } ], adMid: [ { type: "video", path: [ { "quality": "SD", "mp4": "media/video/ad_02.mp4" } ], skipEnable: 3, begin: 8, link:'', target:'_blank', }, { type: "vimeo", path: "22669590", skipEnable: 3, begin: 15 } ], adEnd: [ { type: "video", path: [ { "quality": "SD", "mp4": "media/video/ad_03.mp4" } ], skipEnable: 7 }, { type: "youtube", path: "3XJh9n8K3XU" } ] }
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-type | yes | video, audio, image, youtube_single, vimeo_single |
data-path | yes | url to video, audio, image, youtube_single, vimeo_single |
data-skip-enable | When to show skip advert button, in seconds or percentage for example (30%). If emmited, no skip button will be shown. Setting this value to 0 will show skip button immediatelly. | |
data-begin | yes for midroll | When to start midroll, in seconds or percentage for example (30%). |
data-poster | Used with advert type audio. Poster is shown in video area while audio plays. | |
data-duration | yes for advert type image | How long to show the image, in seconds. |
data-link | Url link to open when ad is paused. | |
data-target | Url link target (_blank, _parent..) | |
data-rel | Url rel attribute | |
data-ad-id | optional parameter to track ads with ad callbacks |
Vast adverts supported in the player are VAST / VMAP / IMA / VPAID, SIMID ...etc
There are 2 ways to use Vast adverts in the player:
1. Using Google IMA SDK
2. Parsing Vast files manually
Both of these methods have their weakness and strength points. Choose what is better suited for your needs:
Will provide more support for different vast formats like VPAID, SIMID ...etc. You can only use it with type video or audio in the player (No Youtube, Vimeo etc...). Some functionality might be limited on mobile because its not possible to fully control playback of Vast video with Google IMA SDK. Its not possible to combine normal adverts with Vast adverts in the player.
Support for some specific vast formats like VPAID, SIMID ...etc might not work! Parsing Vast files manually means you can use Vast with any media type (video, audio, Youtube, Vimeo..). Playback on mobile should be handled better than when using Google IMA SDK. You can combine normal adverts with Vast adverts in the player (for example add Vast preroll advert and self hosted video midroll advert together in the same video).
Available settings:
Parameter | Required | Value |
useImaLoader | true / false | Use IMA SDK loader |
hideImaAdTimer | true / false | This will hide IMA official ad loader time over vast video which sometimes can be visible on mobile. |
forceAdMutedOnIos | true / false | This is some fix for IOS (safari / chrome) to try to play vast video muted because playing it with sound may not work and vast will be automatically skipped. Recommended to set true. |
Example of vast (data-vast attribute):
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/01.mp4" data-vast=""></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'video', path:'media/video/01.mp4', vast:'' }
Note that vast url comes in a form of:
You cannot use XML files with IMA SDK loader like (for example here XML file is located locally):
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/01.mp4" data-vast="data/vast/xml/Single-inline-linear.xml"></div>
If such data-vast url is set, vast file will be parsed manually!
Here IMA SDK offers many vast examples for testing: of vast with video (data-vast attribute):
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/01.mp4" data-vast="data/vast/xml/Single-inline-linear.xml"></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'video', path:'media/video/01.mp4', vast:'data/vast/xml/Single-inline-linear.xml' }
Example of vast with audio:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="audio" data-path="media/audio/02.mp3" data-vast="data/vast/xml/Single-inline-linear.xml"></div>
Example of vast with Youtube:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="youtube_single" data-path="79qr0uMpAf4" data-vast="data/vast/xml/Single-inline-linear.xml"></div>
You can combine normal adverts with Vast adverts in the player. For example add Vast preroll advert and self hosted video midroll advert together in the same video:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/01.mp4" data-vast="data/vast/xml/Single-inline-linear.xml"> <div class="mvp-ad-section"> <div class="mvp-ad mvp-ad-mid" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/ad_01.mp4" data-skip-enable="10"></div> </div> </div>
Just make sure start times do not collide (for example having vast midroll start time the same as normal ad midroll start time) or you might get unexpected results.
Following applies when parsing Vast files manually.
One vast url can be added for each video with data-vast attribute. If you want to use multiple vast for one video, you can use VMAP. VMAP is playlist of VAST files, meaning it can contain multple vast files, each having its own start time.
Start time if defined with timeOffset attribute. Possible values include:
<vmap:AdBreak timeOffset="start"> - pre-roll <vmap:AdBreak timeOffset="00:01:05"> - mid-roll <vmap:AdBreak timeOffset="50%"> - mid-roll (percent values) <vmap:AdBreak timeOffset="end"> - end-roll
You can also apply timeOffset to standard VAST file, adding timeOffset attribute to Ad node:
<Ad timeOffset="start"> - pre-roll <Ad timeOffset="00:01:05"> - mid-roll <Ad timeOffset="50%"> - mid-roll (percent values) <Ad timeOffset="end"> - end-roll
VAST files can be skippable. This is set using skipoffset attribute on Linear node in format hh:mm:ss or percent values 50%
<Linear> - not skippable (default) <Linear skipoffset="00:00:05"> - skippable <Linear skipoffset="50%"> - skippable
You can also ad vast url inside global playlist data and then this vast url will be aplied to every video in the playlist. Example:
<div id="mvp-playlist-list"> <div class="playlist-test"> <div class="mvp-global-playlist-data" data-vast="data/vast/xml/Single-inline-linear.xml"></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/01.mp4" title="First video"></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/02.mp4" title="Second video"></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/03.mp4" title="Third video"></div> </div> </div>
Example vast in global playlist data (object notation):
globalPlaylistData:{ vast:'data/vast/xml/Single-inline-linear.xml' }
Its possible to loop VAST files with pre adverts (without playing main video).
How to use (add data-vast-loop attribute):
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/blank.mp4" data-vast="" data-vast-loop></div>
This only works with VAST file containing pre adverts (adverts that play before main video).
This only works using ima loader (useImaLoader:true) in settings.
You can use included blank.mp4 video file (with zero size) because its not necessary to use real video since it will not be shown.
There is a small break with a black screen between each vast loop. This is unavoidable because vast needs to reload on Google side, there is no function to actually loop vast.
This black screen can be adjust in css:
.mvp-ima-holder-loop{ background-color: #111!important; }
Check demo vast_loop.html for this example.
Inline ads appear in timed intervals while video plays. Advert needs to finish before the video can continue. Its not possible to skip inline adverts.
Available settings:
Parameter | Required | Value |
showInlineAds | true / false | Show inline ads |
inlineAdsCountdown | seconds | Number of seconds to countdown |
inlineAdsOccurence | miliseconds | How often inline ads appear |
inlineAdsContinueInText | Continue in | inline Ads Continue In Text |
inlineAdsUpgradeText | Upgrade to Pro membership to hide these ads | inline Ads Upgrade Text |
Demo which has this implemented is inline_ads.html
Annotations are HTML elements that can appear over video area during playback. Then can be added to self hosted media (video, audio, images with defined data-duration) and Youtube and Vimeo videos with chromeless players.
Annotations are added inside div class="mvp-annotation-section". This can be inside mvp-playlist-item or inside global playlist data as global annotations (apply for every item in playlist). Additional "id" attribute is added to div class="mvp-annotation-section" and then this can be targeted with CSS.
Annotations can be any HTML, iframe, or AdSense.
Example of HTML annotation:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/01.mp4" data-poster="media/video/poster/01.jpg"> <div class="mvp-annotation-section"> <div id="an1" class="mvp-annotation" data-show data-hide> <span>This is a popup text visible through the whole video. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Link <a href="" target="_blank">here</a></span> <div class="mvp-annotation-close" title="Close"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 320 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M193.94 256L296.5 153.44l21.15-21.15c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31l-22.63-22.63c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L160 222.06 36.29 98.34c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L2.34 120.97c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31L126.06 256 2.34 379.71c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31l22.63 22.63c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0L160 289.94 262.56 392.5l21.15 21.15c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0l22.63-22.63c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31L193.94 256z"></path></svg> </div> </div> <div id="an2" class="mvp-annotation" data-show="5" data-hide="15"> <div class="an2-wrap"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="data/ad-placeholder.jpg" alt=""/></a> <div class="an2-title">Unlimited space</div> <div class="an2-desc">Your advertizing space goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit...</div> </div> <div class="mvp-annotation-close" title="Close"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 320 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M193.94 256L296.5 153.44l21.15-21.15c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31l-22.63-22.63c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L160 222.06 36.29 98.34c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L2.34 120.97c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31L126.06 256 2.34 379.71c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31l22.63 22.63c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0L160 289.94 262.56 392.5l21.15 21.15c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0l22.63-22.63c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31L193.94 256z"></path></svg> </div> </div> <div id="an3" class="mvp-annotation" data-show="20" data-hide="30"> <a href="" target="_blank"><span>This popup is a link and cannot be closed.</span></a> </div> </div> </div>
Example of iframe annotation:
mvp-annotation has also class mvp-annotation-iframe
iframe src is about:blank and iframe data-src attribute is actual iframe src! This is so its not loaded until is actually shown in the player.
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/01.mp4" data-poster="media/video/poster/01.jpg"> <div class="mvp-annotation-section"> <div id="an1" class="mvp-annotation mvp-annotation-iframe" data-show data-hide> <p>This is an iframe</p> <iframe src="about:blank" data-src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <div class="mvp-annotation-close" title="Close"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 320 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M193.94 256L296.5 153.44l21.15-21.15c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31l-22.63-22.63c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L160 222.06 36.29 98.34c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L2.34 120.97c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31L126.06 256 2.34 379.71c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31l22.63 22.63c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0L160 289.94 262.56 392.5l21.15 21.15c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0l22.63-22.63c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31L193.94 256z"></path></svg> </div> </div> </div> </div>
Example of AdSense annotation:
mvp-annotation has also class mvp-adsense-code
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/01.mp4" data-poster="media/video/poster/01.jpg"> <div class="mvp-annotation-section"> <div class="mvp-annotation mvp-adsense-code" data-show data-hide> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:inline-block;width:728px;height:90px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxx" data-ad-slot="xxxxxx"></ins> </div> </div> </div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'video', path:'media/video/04.mp4', poster:'media/video/poster/04.jpg', title:'Video title here', thumb:'media/video/thumb/04.jpg', annotationSection: document.getElementById('mvp-annotation-section1')//target element in page holding annotations }
Add element to page holding annonations
<!-- annotation demo --> <div id="mvp-annotation-section1"> <div id="an1" class="mvp-annotation" data-show data-hide> <span>This is a popup text visible through the whole video. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Link <a href="" target="_blank">here</a></span> <button type="button" class="mvp-annotation-close mvp-annotation-close-br mvp-btn-reset" title="Close"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 320 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M193.94 256L296.5 153.44l21.15-21.15c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31l-22.63-22.63c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L160 222.06 36.29 98.34c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L2.34 120.97c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31L126.06 256 2.34 379.71c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31l22.63 22.63c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0L160 289.94 262.56 392.5l21.15 21.15c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0l22.63-22.63c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31L193.94 256z"></path></svg> </button> </div> <div id="an2" class="mvp-annotation" data-show="5" data-hide="35"> <div class="an2-wrap"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="data/ad-placeholder.jpg" alt=""/></a> <div class="an2-title">Unlimited space</div> <div class="an2-desc">Your advertizing space goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit...</div> </div> <button type="button" class="mvp-annotation-close mvp-annotation-close-tr mvp-btn-reset" title="Close"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 320 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M193.94 256L296.5 153.44l21.15-21.15c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31l-22.63-22.63c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L160 222.06 36.29 98.34c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L2.34 120.97c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31L126.06 256 2.34 379.71c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31l22.63 22.63c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0L160 289.94 262.56 392.5l21.15 21.15c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0l22.63-22.63c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31L193.94 256z"></path></svg> </button> </div> <div id="an3" class="mvp-annotation" data-show="20" data-hide="60"> <a href="" target="_blank"><span>This popup is a link and cannot be closed.</span></a> </div> </div>
Example of annotations defined inside global playlist data as global annotations (apply for every item in playlist):
<div id="mvp-playlist-list"> <div class="playlist-test"> <div class="mvp-global-playlist-data"> <div class="mvp-annotation-section"> <div id="an1" class="mvp-annotation" data-show data-hide> <span>This is a popup text visible through the whole video. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Link <a href="" target="_blank">here</a></span> <div class="mvp-annotation-close mvp-ctl" title="Close"></div> </div> <div id="an2" class="mvp-annotation" data-show="5" data-hide="15"> <div class="an2-wrap"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="data/ad-placeholder.jpg" alt=""/></a> <div class="an2-title">Unlimited space</div> <div class="an2-desc">Your advertizing space goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit...</div> </div> <div class="mvp-annotation-close mvp-ctl" title="Close"></div> </div> <div id="an3" class="mvp-annotation" data-show="20" data-hide="30"> <a href="" target="_blank"><span>This popup is a link and cannot be closed.</span></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item"... </div> </div>
Note that when you create mvp-annotation-section in mvp-global-playlist-data , if you have mvp-annotation-section inside the individual videos, they will still be used instead of mvp-global-playlist-data.
Example (object notation):
globalPlaylistData:{ annotationSection: document.getElementById('mvp-annotation-section1')//target element in page holding annotations }
Add element to page holding annonations
<!-- annotation demo --> <div id="mvp-annotation-section1"> <div id="an1" class="mvp-annotation" data-show data-hide> <span>This is a popup text visible through the whole video. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Link <a href="" target="_blank">here</a></span> <button type="button" class="mvp-annotation-close mvp-annotation-close-br mvp-btn-reset" title="Close"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 320 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M193.94 256L296.5 153.44l21.15-21.15c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31l-22.63-22.63c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L160 222.06 36.29 98.34c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L2.34 120.97c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31L126.06 256 2.34 379.71c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31l22.63 22.63c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0L160 289.94 262.56 392.5l21.15 21.15c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0l22.63-22.63c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31L193.94 256z"></path></svg> </button> </div> <div id="an2" class="mvp-annotation" data-show="5" data-hide="35"> <div class="an2-wrap"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="data/ad-placeholder.jpg" alt=""/></a> <div class="an2-title">Unlimited space</div> <div class="an2-desc">Your advertizing space goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit...</div> </div> <button type="button" class="mvp-annotation-close mvp-annotation-close-tr mvp-btn-reset" title="Close"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 320 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M193.94 256L296.5 153.44l21.15-21.15c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31l-22.63-22.63c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L160 222.06 36.29 98.34c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L2.34 120.97c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31L126.06 256 2.34 379.71c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31l22.63 22.63c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0L160 289.94 262.56 392.5l21.15 21.15c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0l22.63-22.63c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31L193.94 256z"></path></svg> </button> </div> <div id="an3" class="mvp-annotation" data-show="20" data-hide="60"> <a href="" target="_blank"><span>This popup is a link and cannot be closed.</span></a> </div> </div>
<div id="an1" class="mvp-annotation" data-show data-hide> <span>This is a popup text visible through the whole video. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Link <a href="" target="_blank">here</a></span> <div class="mvp-annotation-close mvp-annotation-close-tr" title="Close"></div> </div>
Each annotation element requires class="mvp-annotation" on top level. This element is going to be copied over player video area. Inside any HTML could be added.
Other parameters:
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-show | yes | Time to show annotations, in seconds. Empty attribute means show on start. |
data-hide | yes | Time to hide annotations, in seconds. Empty attribute means show till the end. |
Parameter | Required | Value |
hideAnnotationOnMobile | true / false | Hide annotations on mobile. |
showAnnotationsOnlyOnce | true / false | Show annotations only once per video. |
Popups are similar to annotations but with a few key differences.
Main purpose of popups is to display ads while video is paused (of any kind since popups accept any HTML).
Annotations are strickly timed based. Popups can appear on video pause and on specific times (for example show popup when video reaches 10 seconds).
Video is always paused when popup appears, while annotations play regardless of video. Its not possible to resume video while popup is opened.
Only single popup can be shown at a time, while multiple annotations can be shown at once.
Layout is slightly different for popups. Popups are always centered and accept content larger then video area so content can be scrolled vertically.
Popups can be useful for large data display, when focus is mainly on popup since video is paused. You can use it to display for example some iframes over video, or some user forms. Popups can also be used for displaying simple images (additionally linked to url on click).
Its possible to display one or more popups which are shown on video pause (if multiple popups exist every time video is paused new popup is going to be shown).
Its possible to display timed popups (show one popup when video reaches 10 seconds, second popup when video reaches 20 second etc..)
Its possible to mix both popups on pause and timed popups together.
Careful not to mix annotations and popups together at the same time since popup opens above everything and its not possible to access other video area when popup is shown.
Note if you have showPosterOnPause defined, it will overwrite popop (and show poster instead) so make sure you turn if off.
Note timed popups can be skipped if user seeks beyond time in which popup should appear. If you want to prevent this you can use disableVideoSkip option.
Popups are HTML elements that can appear over video area during playback. Then can be added to self hosted media (video, audio, images with defined data-duration) and Youtube and Vimeo videos with chromeless players.
Popups are added inside div class="mvp-annotation-section". This can be inside mvp-playlist-item or inside global playlist data as global popup (apply for every item in playlist).
Example of image popup:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/01.mp4"> <div class="mvp-annotation-section"> <div class="mvp-popup" data-show="pause"> <img class="mvp-popup-img" src="media/annotation/big.jpg" alt=""/> <button type="button" class="mvp-popup-close mvp-btn-reset" title="Close"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 320 512"><path d="M193.94 256L296.5 153.44l21.15-21.15c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31l-22.63-22.63c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L160 222.06 36.29 98.34c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L2.34 120.97c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31L126.06 256 2.34 379.71c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31l22.63 22.63c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0L160 289.94 262.56 392.5l21.15 21.15c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0l22.63-22.63c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31L193.94 256z"></path></svg> </button> </div> </div> </div>
You can choose to use close button (mvp-popup-close) or not. Note that video cannot continue if popup is not closed! Option to close popup using api exist.
Example of iframe popup:
mvp-popup has also class mvp-popup-iframe
iframe src is about:blank and iframe data-src attribute is actual iframe src! This is so its not loaded until is actually shown in the player.
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/01.mp4"> <div class="mvp-annotation-section"> <div class="mvp-popup mvp-popup-iframe" data-show="pause"> <iframe src="about:blank" data-src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <button type="button" class="mvp-popup-close mvp-btn-reset" title="Close"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 320 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M193.94 256L296.5 153.44l21.15-21.15c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31l-22.63-22.63c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L160 222.06 36.29 98.34c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L2.34 120.97c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31L126.06 256 2.34 379.71c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31l22.63 22.63c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0L160 289.94 262.56 392.5l21.15 21.15c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0l22.63-22.63c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31L193.94 256z"></path></svg> </button> </div> </div> </div>
Example of form popup (form inside the popup):
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/01.mp4"> <div class="mvp-annotation-section"> <form id="my-form" action="#" onsubmit="return false;"> <label for="fname">First Name</label> <input type="text" id="fname" name="firstname" placeholder="Your name.."> <label for="lname">Last Name</label> <input type="text" id="lname" name="lastname" placeholder="Your last name.."> <label for="country">Country</label> <select id="country" name="country"> <option value="australia">Australia</option> <option value="canada">Canada</option> <option value="usa">USA</option> <option value="not">Not listed</option> </select> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </form> <button type="button" class="mvp-popup-close mvp-btn-reset" title="Close"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 320 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M193.94 256L296.5 153.44l21.15-21.15c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31l-22.63-22.63c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L160 222.06 36.29 98.34c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L2.34 120.97c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31L126.06 256 2.34 379.71c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31l22.63 22.63c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0L160 289.94 262.56 392.5l21.15 21.15c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0l22.63-22.63c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31L193.94 256z"></path></svg> </button> </div> </div>
{ type:'video', path:'media/video/04.mp4', poster:'media/video/poster/04.jpg', title:'Video title here', thumb:'media/video/thumb/04.jpg', annotationSection: document.getElementById('mvp-popup-section1')//target element in page holding popups }
Add element to page holding popups
<!-- popups demo --> <div id="mvp-popup-section1"> <!-- image with text popup --> <div class="mvp-popup" data-show="pause"> <div id="image-with-text"> <img class="mvp-popup-img" src="media/annotation/banner-1.jpg" alt=""/> <p>Show popup advertisements on pause. Any content supported (image, HTML, iframe...) Optional close button.</p> </div> </div> <!-- iframe popup --> <div class="mvp-popup mvp-popup-iframe" data-show="pause"> <iframe src="about:blank" data-src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> </div> <!-- form popup --> <div class="mvp-popup" data-show="pause"> <form id="my-form" action="#" onsubmit="customCallback();return false;"> <label for="fname">First Name</label> <input type="text" id="fname" name="firstname" placeholder="Your name.." required=""> <label for="lname">Last Name</label> <input type="text" id="lname" name="lastname" placeholder="Your last name.." required=""> <label for="country">Country</label> <select id="country" name="country"> <option value="australia">Australia</option> <option value="canada">Canada</option> <option value="usa">USA</option> <option value="not">Not listed</option> </select> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </form> </div> <!-- iframe with text popup --> <div id="iframe-with-text" class="mvp-popup mvp-popup-iframe" data-show="pause"> <p>This is an iframe</p> <iframe src="about:blank" data-src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> </div> </div>
You can see more examples in popups.html demo page.
Example of popups defined inside global playlist data as global popups (apply for every item in playlist):
<div id="mvp-playlist-list"> <div class="playlist-test"> <div class="mvp-global-playlist-data"> <div class="mvp-annotation-section"> <div class="mvp-popup" data-show="pause"> <img class="mvp-popup-img" src="media/annotation/big.jpg" alt=""/> <button type="button" class="mvp-popup-close mvp-btn-reset" title="Close"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 320 512"><path d="M193.94 256L296.5 153.44l21.15-21.15c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31l-22.63-22.63c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L160 222.06 36.29 98.34c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L2.34 120.97c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31L126.06 256 2.34 379.71c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31l22.63 22.63c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0L160 289.94 262.56 392.5l21.15 21.15c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0l22.63-22.63c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31L193.94 256z"></path></svg> </button> </div> <div class="mvp-popup mvp-popup-iframe" data-show="pause"> <iframe src="about:blank" data-src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <button type="button" class="mvp-popup-close mvp-btn-reset" title="Close"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 320 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M193.94 256L296.5 153.44l21.15-21.15c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31l-22.63-22.63c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L160 222.06 36.29 98.34c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L2.34 120.97c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31L126.06 256 2.34 379.71c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31l22.63 22.63c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0L160 289.94 262.56 392.5l21.15 21.15c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0l22.63-22.63c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31L193.94 256z"></path></svg> </button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item"... </div> </div>
Note that when you create mvp-annotation-section in mvp-global-playlist-data , if you have mvp-annotation-section inside the individual videos, they will still be used instead of mvp-global-playlist-data.
Example (object notation):
globalPlaylistData:{ annotationSection: document.getElementById('mvp-popup-section1')//target element in page holding popups }
Add element to page holding popups
<div id="mvp-popup-section1"> <div class="mvp-popup" data-show="pause"> <img class="mvp-popup-img" src="media/annotation/big.jpg" alt=""/> <button type="button" class="mvp-popup-close mvp-btn-reset" title="Close"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 320 512"><path d="M193.94 256L296.5 153.44l21.15-21.15c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31l-22.63-22.63c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L160 222.06 36.29 98.34c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L2.34 120.97c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31L126.06 256 2.34 379.71c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31l22.63 22.63c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0L160 289.94 262.56 392.5l21.15 21.15c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0l22.63-22.63c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31L193.94 256z"></path></svg> </button> </div> <div class="mvp-popup mvp-popup-iframe" data-show="pause"> <iframe src="about:blank" data-src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <button type="button" class="mvp-popup-close mvp-btn-reset" title="Close"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 320 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M193.94 256L296.5 153.44l21.15-21.15c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31l-22.63-22.63c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L160 222.06 36.29 98.34c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L2.34 120.97c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31L126.06 256 2.34 379.71c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31l22.63 22.63c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0L160 289.94 262.56 392.5l21.15 21.15c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0l22.63-22.63c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31L193.94 256z"></path></svg> </button> </div> </div>
<div class="mvp-popup" data-show="pause"> <img class="mvp-popup-img" src="media/annotation/big.jpg" alt=""/> <button type="button" class="mvp-popup-close mvp-btn-reset" title="Close"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 320 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M193.94 256L296.5 153.44l21.15-21.15c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31l-22.63-22.63c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L160 222.06 36.29 98.34c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L2.34 120.97c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31L126.06 256 2.34 379.71c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31l22.63 22.63c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0L160 289.94 262.56 392.5l21.15 21.15c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0l22.63-22.63c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31L193.94 256z"></path></svg> </button> </div>
Each popup element requires class="mvp-popup" on top level. This element is going to be shown over player video area. Inside any HTML could be added.
Other parameters:
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-show | yes | When to show popup. Popup can be show on pause or in specific times in video, in seconds. |
If you dont want to add close popup button to each popup, you can use global popup close button with following setting:
This will automatically create a close button
Example show popup on pause: (data-show="pause")
<div class="mvp-popup" data-show="pause"> <img class="mvp-popup-img" src="media/annotation/big.jpg" alt=""/> <button type="button" class="mvp-popup-close mvp-btn-reset" title="Close"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 320 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M193.94 256L296.5 153.44l21.15-21.15c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31l-22.63-22.63c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L160 222.06 36.29 98.34c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L2.34 120.97c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31L126.06 256 2.34 379.71c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31l22.63 22.63c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0L160 289.94 262.56 392.5l21.15 21.15c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0l22.63-22.63c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31L193.94 256z"></path></svg> </button> </div>
Example show popup when video reaches 10 seconds: (data-show="10")
<div class="mvp-popup" data-show="10"> <img class="mvp-popup-img" src="media/annotation/big.jpg" alt=""/> <button type="button" class="mvp-popup-close mvp-btn-reset" title="Close"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 320 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M193.94 256L296.5 153.44l21.15-21.15c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31l-22.63-22.63c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L160 222.06 36.29 98.34c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L2.34 120.97c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31L126.06 256 2.34 379.71c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31l22.63 22.63c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0L160 289.94 262.56 392.5l21.15 21.15c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0l22.63-22.63c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31L193.94 256z"></path></svg> </button> </div>
If you have multiple timed popups and you want to show them one after another, you can defined same show time like (data-show="3"):
<!-- only image popup --> <div class="mep-popup" data-show="3"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img class="mvp-popup-img" src="media/annotation/big.jpg" alt=""/> </a> <button type="button" class="mvp-popup-close mvp-btn-reset" title="Close"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 320 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M193.94 256L296.5 153.44l21.15-21.15c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31l-22.63-22.63c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L160 222.06 36.29 98.34c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L2.34 120.97c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31L126.06 256 2.34 379.71c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31l22.63 22.63c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0L160 289.94 262.56 392.5l21.15 21.15c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0l22.63-22.63c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31L193.94 256z"></path></svg> </button> </div> <!-- image with text popup --> <div class="mvp-popup" data-show="3"> <div id="image-with-text"> <img class="mvp-popup-img" src="media/annotation/banner-1.jpg" alt=""/> <p>Show popup advertisements on pause. Any content supported (image, HTML, iframe...) Optional close button.</p> <button type="button" class="mvp-popup-close mvp-btn-reset" title="Close"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 320 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M193.94 256L296.5 153.44l21.15-21.15c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31l-22.63-22.63c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L160 222.06 36.29 98.34c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L2.34 120.97c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31L126.06 256 2.34 379.71c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31l22.63 22.63c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0L160 289.94 262.56 392.5l21.15 21.15c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0l22.63-22.63c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31L193.94 256z"></path></svg> </button> </div> </div>
You can attach url so when popup is clicked it will open url. To do that just wrap some part if popup in href, example image is wrapped in url:
<div class="mvp-popup" data-show="3"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img class="mvp-popup-img" src="media/annotation/big.jpg" alt=""/> </a> <button type="button" class="mvp-popup-close mvp-btn-reset" title="Close"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 320 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M193.94 256L296.5 153.44l21.15-21.15c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31l-22.63-22.63c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L160 222.06 36.29 98.34c-3.12-3.12-8.19-3.12-11.31 0L2.34 120.97c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31L126.06 256 2.34 379.71c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31l22.63 22.63c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0L160 289.94 262.56 392.5l21.15 21.15c3.12 3.12 8.19 3.12 11.31 0l22.63-22.63c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31L193.94 256z"></path></svg> </button> </div>
Popup can be closed on demand using player api methods closePopup
Parameter | Required | Value |
hidePopupsOnMobile | true / false | Hide popups on mobile. |
showPopupsOnlyOnce | true / false | Show popups only once per video. Meaning once popup is closed it will not appear again if user seeks backward into video. |
randomizePausePopups | true / false | If you have multiple pause popups, they can be randomized on video start. |
resumeMediaAfterPopupClose | true / false | Video is paused once popup appears and user needs to close popup for video to continue automatically. Default true. |
Possible actions to apply when video ends.
Use following settings:
Use following settings:
Use following settings:
Use following settings:
Requires poster to be set on video (data-poster):
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/03.mp4" data-poster="media/video/poster/03.jpg"></div>
On video end show coming next screen with next video title showing, allowing user to view next video preview.
To show coming next screen on video end, use this setting:
mediaEndAction:'comingnext', comingnextTime:10
Parameter | Value | Description |
comingnextTime | seconds | How long is coming next screen shown before next video (seconds). This is for comingnext mediaEndAction action. |
To utilize this feature fully, its advised to have video poster defined for next video, because this poster is shown in the coming next video screen. If poster is not available, next video thumbnail will be used, if available.
This feature can be used to quickly implement watch limit.
Use following settings:
mediaEndAction: "image", mediaEndImage: "media/watch_limit.jpg", mediaEndImageUrl: "", mediaEndImageUrlTarget: "_blank",
Parameter | Value | Description |
mediaEndImage | image url | Image to show on video end |
mediaEndImageUrl | web url | Link image to web url (optional) |
mediaEndImageUrlTarget | web url target | _blank, _parent... |
Use following settings (set mediaEndAction and add your custom HTML to be shown in mediaEndActionCustom):
This demo is from media_end_custom.html
mediaEndAction:'custom', mediaEndActionCustom: <div class="mvp-custom-wrap"> <div class="mvp-custom-content"> <div class="mvp-custom-message">This is a custom end screen. Set your own custom end screen by proving HTML and CSS yourself. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</div> <div class="mvp-custom-link-wrap" title="Your Company Title"> <svg viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M352 256c0 22.2-1.2 43.6-3.3 64H163.3c-2.2-20.4-3.3-41.8-3.3-64s1.2-43.6 3.3-64H348.7c2.2 20.4 3.3 41.8 3.3 64zm28.8-64H503.9c5.3 20.5 8.1 41.9 8.1 64s-2.8 43.5-8.1 64H380.8c2.1-20.6 3.2-42 3.2-64s-1.1-43.4-3.2-64zm112.6-32H376.7c-10-63.9-29.8-117.4-55.3-151.6c78.3 20.7 142 77.5 171.9 151.6zm-149.1 0H167.7c6.1-36.4 15.5-68.6 27-94.7c10.5-23.6 22.2-40.7 33.5-51.5C239.4 3.2 248.7 0 256 0s16.6 3.2 27.8 13.8c11.3 10.8 23 27.9 33.5 51.5c11.6 26 21 58.2 27 94.7zm-209 0H18.6C48.6 85.9 112.2 29.1 190.6 8.4C165.1 42.6 145.3 96.1 135.3 160zM8.1 192H131.2c-2.1 20.6-3.2 42-3.2 64s1.1 43.4 3.2 64H8.1C2.8 299.5 0 278.1 0 256s2.8-43.5 8.1-64zM194.7 446.6c-11.6-26-20.9-58.2-27-94.6H344.3c-6.1 36.4-15.5 68.6-27 94.6c-10.5 23.6-22.2 40.7-33.5 51.5C272.6 508.8 263.3 512 256 512s-16.6-3.2-27.8-13.8c-11.3-10.8-23-27.9-33.5-51.5zM135.3 352c10 63.9 29.8 117.4 55.3 151.6C112.2 482.9 48.6 426.1 18.6 352H135.3zm358.1 0c-30 74.1-93.6 130.9-171.9 151.6c25.5-34.2 45.2-87.7 55.3-151.6H493.4z"/></svg> <a class="mvp-custom-link" href="" target="_blank">Visit Us</a> </div> </div> </div>
Then style this section as you like with CSS (example):
.mvp-custom-wrap{ position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%; overflow:hidden; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.9); display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } .mvp-custom-content{ max-width: 70%; font-size: 1em; overflow-y: auto; max-height: 90%; } @media (max-width: 400px){ .mvp-custom-content{ max-width: 90%; } } .mvp-custom-message{ color: #ccc; } .mvp-custom-link-wrap{ margin-top: 10px; display: flex; align-items: center; color: #ffeb3b; } .mvp-custom-link-wrap:hover{ color: #eee; transition: all .1s ease-out; } .mvp-custom-link-wrap svg{ margin-right: 10px; fill:currentColor; color: inherit; height: 30px; } .mvp-custom-link{ color: inherit; }
You can initialize player when clicking some DOM element in page. This can apply to normal player type and lightbox.
document.querySelectorAll('#some-element').addEventListener('click', function(){ var settings = { ... } settings.selectorInit = true; player = new mvp(document.getElementById('wrapper'), settings); });
When player is opened on page element click and you want to autoplay with sound, use this option in setting selectorInit
If player is placed in some element which is hidden on page load (with CSS display none like a tab for example) then player might have an issue to resize itself correctly on start. Use following option to make player monitor when parent becomes visible so it can correctly resize itself.
activateWhenParentVisible: true
Lightbox mode is supported for following layouts: vrb, vb, hb, no-playlist. Player can open in lightbox by clicking on any html element in page or automatically. Everything else is the same as for normal player.
Typically you can use the following code for opening lightbox: (first time clicking on some-element player will open lightbox). Additionally you can also specify video to open (using data-media-id attribute which you can add to mvp-playlist -item for your videos)
Following example shows 3 links in page, each one will open player in lightbox and play diferent video:
var player; document.querySelector('#some-element').addEventListener('click', function(e){ var id ="data-media-id");//video to load, optional if(!player){//init player first time settings.mediaId = id; settings.selectorInit = true;//will try to autoplay with sound player = new mvp(document.getElementById('wrapper'), settings); }else{//reopen lightbox player.openLightbox(id); } return false; }); <a href="#" class="some-element" id="first-video" data-media-id="1">open second video</a> <a href="#" class="some-element" id="second-video" data-media-id="2">open third video</a> <a href="#" class="some-element" id="third-video" data-media-id="3">open fourth video</a>
Check lightbox.html demo for more details.
When player is opened on page element click and you want to autoplay with sound, use this option in setting selectorInit
To open the player automatically in lightbox, simply call this code above manually, for example by with triggering click on some element.
In this case, if you want to auto play, remove settings.selectorInit = true;
Parameter | Value | Description |
useKeyboardNavigationForPlayback | true,false | Use keyboard navigation for controling playback. |
useGlobalKeyboardControls | true,false | If true, keyboard controls are always active. Supports only single player per page. This method may interfere with other keyboard inputs on the page. Use with caution. |
keyboardControls |
keyboardControls: [ {keycode:27, action: 'closeDialog'}, {keycode:37, action: 'seekBackward'}, {keycode:39, action: 'seekForward'}, {keycode:32, action: 'togglePlayback'}, {keycode:38, action: 'volumeUp'}, {keycode:40, action: 'volumeDown'}, {keycode:77, action: 'toggleMute'}, {keycode:33, action: 'nextMedia'}, {keycode:34, action: 'previousMedia'}, {keycode:82, action: 'rewind'}, {keycode:70, action: 'toggleFullscreen'}, {keycode:84, action: 'toggleTheater'}, {keycode:67, action: 'toggleSubtitle'}, {keycode:107, action: 'subtitleSizeUp'}, {keycode:109, action: 'subtitleSizeDown'} ], |
Specify keyboard controls. You can change keycode value and assign a different key. keyCode is used |
modifierKey | shiftKey / ctrlKey / altKey | Add modifier key (Shift, Alt, or Control) to be used as double keys. |
createKeyboardInfo | true / false | Create dialog info with all currently used keyboard keys and add button to settings menu which opens the dialog. |
keyboardInfoText | Keyboard info | Settings menu open keyboard dialog button text |
keyboardPreferencesText | Keyboard preferences |
createKeyboardInfo (true / false) - Creates dialog info with all currently used keyboard keys and add button to settings menu which opens the dialog.
Using query string parameters. Rules: all parameters begins with "mvp-", replace parameter camelCase with dash, use + instead of space, use comma for array values. If you want to use comma in title or description text for example, replace it with some other character like semicolon(;)
Player settings example:,thumb&mvp-skip-poster=true&mvp-use-resume-screen=false&mvp-random-play=true&mvp-playlist-opened=false
For all possible parameters check configuration
Note: query string must have this mvp-query-instance=instanceName (instanceName is from settings). This is to differentiate between multiple players in page. Use simple instanceName for example "player1", "player2" etc.Single video in player:,German,Spanish&mvp-subtitle=data/subtitles/sintel-en.vtt,data/subtitles/sintel-de.vtt,data/subtitles/sintel-es.vtt
Multiple video qualities and multiple subtitles:,VIDEO_URL_QUALITY_2&mvp-path=QUALITY_MENU_TITLE_1,QUALITY_MENU_TITLE_2&mvp-thumb=THUMB_URL&mvp-title=VIDEO_TITLE&mvp-poster=VIDEO_POSTER&mvp-subtitle=SUBTITLE_LABEL_1,SUBTITLE_LABEL_2,SUBTITLE_LABEL_3&mvp-subtitle=SUBTITLE_URL_1,SUBTITLE_URL_2,SUBTITLE_URL_3
Set start time in seconds (mvp-start=12, or mvp-playback-position-time=12):
If you are trying to share video url without other video parameters use playback-position-time for start time (play forth video at 12 seconds):
Multiple videos in player:,video&mvp-path=VIDEO_URL_QUALITY_1,VIDEO_URL_QUALITY_2&mvp-path-1-mp4=VIDEO_URL_QUALITY_1,VIDEO_URL_QUALITY_2&mvp-path=QUALITY_MENU_TITLE_1,QUALITY_MENU_TITLE_2&mvp-path-1-quality=QUALITY_MENU_TITLE_1,QUALITY_MENU_TITLE_2&mvp-thumb=THUMB_URL,THUMB_URL&mvp-title=VIDEO_TITLE,VIDEO_TITLE&mvp-poster=VIDEO_POSTER,VIDEO_POSTER&mvp-subtitle=SUBTITLE_LABEL_1,SUBTITLE_LABEL_2,SUBTITLE_LABEL_3&mvp-subtitle-1-label=SUBTITLE_LABEL_1,SUBTITLE_LABEL_2&mvp-subtitle=SUBTITLE_URL_1,SUBTITLE_URL_2,SUBTITLE_URL_3&mvp-subtitle-1-src=SUBTITLE_URL_1,SUBTITLE_URL_2,video&mvp-path=media/video/01.mp4,media/video/01_hd.mp4&mvp-path=720p,1080p&mvp-path-1-mp4=media/video/02.mp4,media/video/02_hd.mp4&mvp-path-1-quality=SD,HD&mvp-thumb=media/video/thumb/01.jpg,media/video/thumb/02.jpg&mvp-title=Video+ 1,Video+title+two&mvp-poster=media/video/poster/01.jpg,media/video/poster/02.jpg&mvp-subtitle=English,German,Spanish&mvp-subtitle=data/subtitles/sintel-en.vtt,data/subtitles/sintel-de.vtt,data/subtitles/sintel-es.vtt&mvp-subtitle-1-label=German,Spanish&mvp-subtitle-1-src=data/subtitles/tumblr-de.vtt,data/subtitles/tumblr-es.vtt
1. You need to have equal number of properties! (so for each video in url same number of thumb, same number of title etc..)
2. Note that path and subtitles have specific format (mvp-path, mvp-path-1-mp4, mvp-path, mvp-path-1-quality... for each video).
The same for subtitles (mvp-subtitle, mvp-subtitle-1-label, mvp-subtitle, mvp-subtitle-1-src... for each video)
For parameters check video section (remove data- from parameter)
Youtube single video:
Youtube single video (same video without using youtube api):;+quello+di+uno+straniero+in+possesso+proveniente+da+un+pianeta+ghiacciato+e+possibilmente+incrociato+con+un+husky.&mvp-poster=
Multiple Youtube videos:,youtube_single,youtube_single&mvp-path=VIDEO_ID,VIDEO_ID,VIDEO_ID,youtube_single,youtube_single&mvp-path=jXSxzMTrKq0,5zYArkwq2PQ,M4z90wlwYs8
Youtube playlist:
Youtube channel:
For parameters check youtube section (remove data- from parameter)
Vimeo single video:
Vimeo single video (same video without using Vimeo api):
Vimeo channel:
For parameters check vimeo section (remove data- from parameter)
Live streaming HLS video:
Live streaming DASH video:
For parameters check live streaming section (remove data- from parameter)
The same can be done with other media types, just check each section in Working with media
There are following ways to hide real video url:
You can encrypt self hosted media paths (video, audio, images) and subtitles with base64 to hide real url from page source.
To do so prepend the following string 'ebsfm:' before encrypted file path (using base64) in data-path attribute.
Use any online free base64 tool like for encryption.
Example normal:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path='[{"quality": "default", "mp4": "media/video/01.mp4"}]'></div>
Example encrypted:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path='[{"quality": "default", "mp4": "ebsfm:bWVkaWEvdmlkZW8vMDEubXA0"}]'></div>
To have video as a blob, use following settings:
This applies to html5 media (video, audio).
Casting with player is available for self hosted video, self hosted audio and live streaming (hls, dash) formats. Note that when player is casting, player features are limited (For example you cannot use video adverts or annotations above the video area. Such functionality is not supported by Chromecast)
Casting is supported the Chrome browser on a Mac, Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, and Android devices. Casting is not supported on the iOS Chrome browser.
Note: casting only works with HTTPS so to make casting work make sure you website url uses HTTPS.
Add following settings:
CORS is required for video containing subtitles or live streaming: of htaccess setup below. You need to create htaccess file with following configuration and copy this file to every folder on your server that has video subtitles. If you use live streaming like HLS video format, you need to make sure its CORS enabled!
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" Header add Access-Control-Allow-Headers: "Content-Type"
Available settings for Chromecast:
Parameter | Value | Description |
castConnectingMsg | Connecting to Chromecast | Message that appears on start while player is connecting to Chromecast device. |
Subtitle settings (for more details see )
textTrackStyle: { fontScale: 1.0, foregroundColor: '#FFFFFFFF', backgroundColor: '#00000000', edgeColor: '#00000066', edgeType: 'DROP_SHADOW', fontStyle: 'NORMAL', fontFamily: 'Serif', fontGenericFamily: 'CURSIVE' }
Parameter | Value | Description |
fontScale | number | Font sizing |
foregroundColor | String | Subtitle foreground color |
backgroundColor | String | Subtitle background color |
edgeColor | String | Subtitle edge color |
edgeType | String | "NONE", "OUTLINE", "DROP_SHADOW", "RAISED", "DEPRESSED" |
fontStyle | String | "NORMAL", "BOLD", "BOLD_ITALIC", "ITALIC" |
fontFamily | String | Subtitle font family. If fontFamily is not available in the receiver the fontGenericFamily will be used. |
Use following settings:
If Airplay is supported and compatible, button to turn on Airplay will show in player controls when video plays.
To set password to view specific media add data-pwd attribute to playlist item, password example here is "123":
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path='[{"quality": "default", "mp4": "media/video/01.mp4"}]' data-pwd="202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70"></div>
To make password use md5 Hash Generator: your password and use hash in data-pwd attribute.
Password can also be defined in global playlist data (apply for every item in playlist).
To set up age verification on specific video add data-age-verify="1" attribute:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/01.mp4" data-age-verify="1"></div>
Settings available:
Parameter | Required | Value |
ageVerifyExpireTime | Once user submits age verify screen, this is time (in seconds) after age verify will expire and the screen will appear again on video. If you want this to never expire (meaning user will only submit this screen once) set this to very large number. | |
ageVerifyHeader | Age Verification | age Verify Header text |
ageVerifyText | By clicking enter, I certify that I am over the age of 21 and will comply with this statement. | age Verify text |
ageVerifyEnterText | ENTER | age Verify Enter Text |
ageVerifyDividerText | or | age Verify Divider Text |
ageVerifyExitText | EXIT | age Verify Exit Text |
Activate this option with following settings:
streamCamera:true, autoStartStream,:false//start streaming automatically if camera is connected offlineImage:'image-url'//optional, set image which will display when camera is not running
See more settings for offline Image
API methods available:
player.startStream(options)//start camera - options (optional parameter), default is: {audio: true, video:true} player.stopStream()//stop camera player.startRecord(options)//start record camera video - options (optional parameter), default is: { mimeType: "video/webm" }; See mediaRecorder options: timeslice (additional option) - The number of milliseconds to record into each Blob. If this parameter isn't included, the entire media duration is recorded into a single Blob unless the requestData() method is called to obtain the Blob and trigger the creation of a new Blob into which the media continues to be recorded. Example: options.timeslice = 2000 player.stopRecord()//stop record camera video player.getRecorderData()//returns blob array of recording video data player.makeSnapshot(canvas)//creates snapshot of current video to camera to canvas, pass your own canvas element or player will create its own. player.downloadStream()//download recorded stream player.setOfflineImage(url)//set image which will display when camera is not running
Demo which contains this example is camera.html
Restict video watching time and show custom image on video end.
1. Set media end handler to image and upload your image.
2. Restrict video end time with data-end attribute. This step is optional. Even if you dont restrict, custom image will still be shown on video end, since this is default media end action set in step 1 above.
Example (end video in 10 seconds):
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/01_720p.mp4" data-end="10"> </div>
After 10 seconds of video playback custom image will be shown.
You can check this setup in watch_limit.html demo.
Here are some of the settings available for changing size of the player and the video within:
Parameter | Required | Value |
playerRatio | number | Aspect ratio of video area. Set video area ratio to fit your videos. If you videos are 4/3 ratio, use 1.333333. If your videos are 16/9 ratio, use 1.777777 (this is default). |
combinePlayerRatio | true / false | Apply ratio to both player and playlist. Applies to playlist position Vertical right and bottom, Vertical left and bottom. If true, when playlist is on the side and you open / close playlist, player height will grow / shrink to keep video ratio. |
aspectRatio | 0 / 1 / 2 | Set default media resize option inside player. 0 = original video size 1 = fit inside 2 = fit outside Fit inside will always show whole video, but may leave blank spaces above and below, or left and right of the video, depending on the resolution. Fit outside will always cover the whole screen with video, leaving no blank lines, but may cut part of the video above and below, or left and right of the it, depending on the resolution. |
If you want to make player 100% size of available window area, use following settings:
playerRatio:1, combinePlayerRatio:false
And this CSS:
.mvp-player { position: absolute!important; height: 100%!important; }
Demo example of this is vrb_100.html
Settings available:
Parameter | Required | Value |
useVideoTransform | true / false | Tells player to use video transform. This will create zoom button in settings menu which activates zoom. |
saveTransformState | true / false | This will save transform state after editing, so next time video will load with same transform settings. |
maxZoom | number | Max zoom value (default 5) |
tooltipZoomCenter | Center | Zoom to center button text |
tooltipZoomReset | Reset | Reset zoom button text |
settingsMenuZoomText | Zoom | Settings menu Zoom button text |
zoomCenterIcon | svg | Zoom to Center button icon |
zoomResetIcon | svg | Reset zoom button icon |
You can display image of choice over the player area when your stream is offline or in scenario when the player does not currently have any videos to play. To do this add the following settings.
Settings available:
Parameter | Required | Value |
offlineImage | string | Url to image |
offlineImageUrl | web url | Url which will be opened when image is clicked (optional) |
offlineImageUrlTarget | web url target | Url target (_blank, _parent..) |
Image will automaticaly be removed when new video is requested to play in the player (via any means including adding it using API methods). You can manually remove offline image with API methods setOfflineImage()
To make the player automatically become fixed to page bottom if user scrolls down the page, use the following settings:
Settings available:
Parameter | Required | Value |
minimizeOnScroll | true / false | Minimize on page scroll when player gets out of visible area. Example demo minimize_on_scroll.html Works for all layouts except outer and wall. |
minimizeOnScrollOnlyIfPlaying | true / false | Minimize on page scroll when player gets out of visible area only if video is playing. minimizeOnScroll needs to be true as well for this to work. |
minimizeClass | mvp-minimize-tl / mvp-minimize-tr / mvp-minimize-bl / mvp-minimize-br | Add class which will be attached to player on minimize. |
hidePlaylistOnMinimize | true / false | Hide playlist on minimize (if opened). |
useMinimizeCloseBtn | true / false | Use button to close player when minimized and end minimize on scroll. |
Demo which has this implemented in minimize.html
To make the player autoplay when user scroll the page and video player enters into view use the following settings:
Settings available:
Parameter | Required | Value |
autoPlayInViewport | true / false | Start playing media when player is visible on the page by user scrolling. |
Demo which has this implemented in autoplay_in_viewport.html
Layouts with playlistPosition "outer" and "wall" are displayed as thumbnail grid. There are mutilple ways to display grids.
1. Grid can be calculated using included javascript breakpoints. This is default. Example:
<script> var settings = { ... breakPointArr:[ {width:0, column:1, gutter:0}, {width:500, column:2, gutter:0}, {width:700, column:3, gutter:10}, {width:1100, column:4, gutter:10}, {width:1600, column:5, gutter:10} ] }; }); </script>Below 500px, use 1 column, 0 spacing between grid boxes
2. Normal css grid can be used. Use this setting to enable grid type.
There are 2 ways of using this (use "auto" feature or provide vtt file)
1. Using "auto" feature (works for HTML video). Preview thumbnail will be generated automatically.
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/01.mp4" data-preview-seek="auto"></div>
Set data-preview-seek="auto"
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-preview-seek | yes | auto |
2. Using vtt file (works for all media types). Requires sprite of images and vtt file with time/image data for video.
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/01.mp4" data-preview-seek="data/seek/01.vtt"></div>
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-preview-seek | yes | Path to vtt file |
Example of vtt format can be found in plugin data/seek folder. The coordinates are set as the xywh hash on the URL in the order X Offset, Y Offset, Width, Height.
WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:05.000 data/seek/01_seek.png#xywh=0,0,120,68 00:00:05.000 --> 00:00:10.000 data/seek/01_seek.png#xywh=120,0,120,68 00:00:10.000 --> 00:00:15.000 data/seek/01_seek.png#xywh=0,68,120,68 00:00:15.000 --> 00:00:20.000 data/seek/01_seek.png#xywh=120,68,120,68
Define specific times in video when to execute a function. Available for media type video, audio, Youtube, Vimeo.
Example (HTML markup):
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/01.mp4"> <div class="mvp-cuepoints"> <div data-start="15" data-callback="myFirstCue"></div> <div data-start="30" data-eval="alert('callback at 30 seconds')"></div> </div> </div>
Example (object notation):
media:[ { type:'video', mp4:'media/video/01.mp4', cuepoints:[ {start:5, callback: 'myFirstCue'}, {start:10, eval:"alert('callback at 10 seconds')"} ], }
Add this function somewhere in page on global level:
function myFirstCue(args){ alert('callback at '+args.start+' seconds') console.log(args) }
Video example above has 2 cue points. First calls functioncallback while other executes script with eval. Use either callback or eval, not both.
start = when to execute cue point, in seconds (rounded to full second) callback = name of the function in your page to call eval = string script to execute with eval
Additional settings for cue points:
cueMakeMarkers = true / false, make cue markers in progress seekbar. Only for chromeless players with custom controls. executeCueOnlyOnce = true / false, execute cue only once per video
Show animated preview when hovering over playlist item thumbnail. Can be displayed using gif or video.
Requires gif or a small video.
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/01.mp4" data-hover-preview="data/hover/01.gif"></div>
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-hover-preview | yes | Url to gif file or small video |
Example which already has this implemented is hover_preview.html
To show resume screen before video starts and allow user to choose either to resume video from last played position or restart from beginning:
In settings use:
var settings = { rememberPlaybackPosition:'1', ... }
Possible values are:
1 - Remember only last video time all - Remember all video times (in specific playlist)
Note: resume playback position applies for main video, which means if video has adverts, playback position will be saved for main video, advers will play as usual.
In the rescent times browsers (both desktop and mobile) are restricting autoplay video with sound. The only way it is possible to autoplay video on page start automatically is by mutting the video (setting volume to 0).
1. If you want to autoplay video, and set autoplay in player settings, player will automatically mute video so it can autoplay. Then you can unmute video by clicking on volume icon in player controls. Alternativelly, you can use unmute video button, which is displayed over the player area.
<button type="button" class="mvp-unmute-toggle mvp-btn-reset" aria-label="Unmute"></button>
2. If you do not autoplay video, and choose to start video plaback manually, then the player will use the volume you have set in player settings. When the user starts playing video, player will start playing video with sound.
Its possible to display playlist on mobile in fullscreen layout which opens above the player. This is useful so the playlist does not share space with the player on small screens.
This option in available for all layouts except outer, wall, just player. If this option is activated, on mobile, there will be no playlist on side (or bottom). Instead clicking toggle playlist button will open playlist in fullscreen layout above the player.
Activate this option in settings:
Note that when this option is used, following features are not available (since they are part of playlist window which is not used):
transcript chapter window playlist selector
Available settings for mobile playlist:
Parameter | Value | description |
searchText | Search.. | Search placeholder text in search field. |
searchNothingFoundMsg | Nothing Found! | Nothing Found message on search |
Note that this feature only relates to single video sources. It does not affect, for example, Youtube playlist or Vimeo channel. Pagination for such sources (Youtube playlist or Vimeo channel) is handled internally automatically.
If you have single video sources in the playlist and you have a lots of videos, its advised to load only smaller portion on start. For example if you have 500 videos in playlist, you could show 50 vidos on start, then using either load more button or scrolling to playlist end, load another 50 and so on.
To achieve this use the following settings in mvp-global-playlist-data:
<div id="mvp-playlist-list"> <div class="playlist-video"> <div class="mvp-global-playlist-data" data-add-more-on-total-scroll="1" data-add-more-num-results="12" data-add-more-limit="8"></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/01.mp4" data-thumb="media/video/thumb/01.jpg" data-title="Video 1"></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/02.mp4" data-thumb="media/video/thumb/02.jpg" data-title="Video 2"></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/03.mp4" data-thumb="media/video/thumb/03.jpg" data-title="Video 3"></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/04.mp4" data-thumb="media/video/thumb/04.jpg" data-title="Video 4"></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/05.mp4" data-thumb="media/video/thumb/05.jpg" data-title="Video 5"></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/06.mp4" data-thumb="media/video/thumb/06.jpg" data-title="Video 6"></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/01.mp4" data-thumb="media/video/thumb/01.jpg" data-title="Video 7"></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/02.mp4" data-thumb="media/video/thumb/02.jpg" data-title="Video 8"></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/03.mp4" data-thumb="media/video/thumb/03.jpg" data-title="Video 9"></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/04.mp4" data-thumb="media/video/thumb/04.jpg" data-title="Video 10"></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/05.mp4" data-thumb="media/video/thumb/05.jpg" data-title="Video 11"></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/06.mp4" data-thumb="media/video/thumb/06.jpg" data-title="Video 12"></div> </div> </div>
data-add-more-on-total-scroll - activate this feature data-add-more-num-results - total number of your videos data-add-more-limit - number of videos to show on start and each new load
Settings available:
Scroll event to detect scrolling to playlist end (in player layout) or page bottom (grid layout) is automatically added.
Note that you can also manually call load more with player api methods .
Demo using this feature are load_more_player.html and load_more_grid.html
Chapters can either be shown in chapter menu (which opens above the player) or chapter window (which is shown above the playlist).
Example of chapter menu:
Example of chapter window:
Note that when using chapter window you can also show image thumbnails for each chapter. Image thumbnails are present in the vtt file for chapters (after #img=), example:
0 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:10.000 This is one very long title indeed#img=data/chapters/thumbs/ch0.png 1 00:00:10.000 --> 00:00:13.500 Guidance#img=data/chapters/thumbs/ch10.png
Chapter url for video is set with data-chapters:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/03.mp4" data-poster="media/video/poster/03.jpg" data-chapters="data/chapters/1.vtt"></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'video', path:'media/video/03.mp4', poster:'media/video/poster/03.jpg', chapters:'data/chapters/1.vtt'
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-chapters | yes | url to chapter file (srt / vtt format). Example of chapter file can be found in data/chapters folder. |
data-chapters-cors | use this if you are loading chapters cross domain. Require cors url in settings. Alternatively you can omit data-chapters-cors and prepend cors url directy in front of your data-chapters url. |
Available settings:
Parameter | Required | Value |
useChapterWindow | true / false | Chapters can either be shown in chapter menu (which opens above the player) or chapter window (which is shown above playlist). |
seekToChapterStart | true / false | When chapters are used, setting to this to true will make click on the seekbar seek to chapter start time. Default is true. |
autoOpenChapterMenu | true / false | Auto open chapters menu on start if video has chapters. |
hideChapterMenuOnChapterSelect | true / false | Hide chapter menu after we click on chapter menu item. |
showChapterTitle | true / false | Show chapter title above video. Same as showVideoTitle |
If you want to show chapter menu before video starts, use these settings:
autoPlay:false, autoOpenChapterMenu:true, showControlsBeforeStart:true,
Note that (to show chapter menu before video starts) for self hosted media you need to supply video duration in seconds (example data-duration="33"). Video also needs to have poster set (data-poster="POSTER_URL").
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/03.mp4" data-poster="media/video/poster/03.jpg" data-chapters="data/chapters/1.vtt" data-duration="33"></div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'video', path:'media/video/03.mp4', poster:'media/video/poster/03.jpg', chapters:'data/chapters/1.vtt', duration:33
For Youtube you need to select Playlist item content duration (so player can retrieve video duration).
Example which already has this implemented is chapters.html
To display chapters in mobile friendy list use:
This feature is activated by clicking on chapter toggle button in player controls. This will display chapters on mobile in following way:
1. This is only possible when using chapter menu (useChapterWindow = false)
2. Auto open chapters menu is not compatible using this.
Subtitles can be set for self hosted video, audio and Youtube or Vimeo chromeless players.
Subtitle examples are provided inside plugin package data/subtitles directory.
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="media/video/01.mp4"> <div class="mvp-subtitles"> <div data-label="English" data-src="data/subtitles/sintel-en.vtt" data-default></div> <div data-label="German" data-src="data/subtitles/sintel-de.vtt" ></div> <div data-label="Spanish" data-src="data/subtitles/sintel-es.vtt" ></div> </div> </div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'video', path:'media/video/01.mp4', subtitles:[ { label: 'English', src: 'data/subtitles/sintel-en.vtt', default:true//only if rememeberCaptionState is false }, { label: 'German', src: 'data/subtitles/sintel-de.vtt' }, { label: 'Spanish', src: 'data/subtitles/sintel-es.vtt' } ],
Youtube single video:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="youtube_single" data-path="5zYArkwq2PQ"> <div class="mvp-subtitles"> <div data-label="English" data-src="data/subtitles/sintel-en.vtt" data-default></div> <div data-label="German" data-src="data/subtitles/sintel-de.vtt" ></div> <div data-label="Spanish" data-src="data/subtitles/sintel-es.vtt" ></div> </div> </div>
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-label | yes | Subtitle menu name |
data-src | yes | url to subtitle file (srt / vtt format). Examples provided in data/subtitles directory. |
data-cors | use this if you are loading subtitle cross domain. Require cors url in settings. Alternatively you can omit data-cors and prepend cors url directy in front of your data-src url. | |
data-default | will make subtitle active on start. |
Note: Last active subtitle is saved in browser cache. If you move to next video or load video player again, player will try to select same subtitle (from data-label). You can overwrite active subtitle with data-default
Transcript will use video subtitles which means you need to have subtitles set on your video.
How to show video subtitles in separate window above the playlist area:
1. Use following settings:
2. Transcript wil be taken from the subtitles list:
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="youtube_single" data-path="5zYArkwq2PQ"> <div class="mvp-subtitles"> <div data-label="English" data-src="data/subtitles/sintel-en.vtt" data-default></div> <div data-label="German" data-src="data/subtitles/sintel-de.vtt" ></div> <div data-label="Spanish" data-src="data/subtitles/sintel-es.vtt" ></div> </div> </div>
Available options:
Parameter | Required | Value |
autoLoadTranscript | true / false | Auto open transcript window on video start |
Note that transcript language by default is not syncronized with the actual subtitles in player, meaning you can have subtitles displaying in one language in the player while transcript in another.
You can change this in settings:
Options defined in mvp-global-playlist-data will be applied to every media in playlist.
<div id="mvp-playlist-list"> <div class="playlist-test"> <div class="mvp-global-playlist-data" data-start="5" data-end="10" data-playback-rate="2" data-pwd="5ebe2294ecd0e0f08eab7690d2a6ee69"></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item"... </div> </div>
Example (object notation):
globalPlaylistData:{ start:5, end:10, playbackRate:2, pwd:'202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70',//password = 123 vast:'', //ads adPre: [ { type: "video", path: [ { "quality": "SD", "mp4": "media/video/ad_01.mp4" } ], skipEnable: 3, link: "", target: "_blank" }, { type: "youtube", path: "jXSxzMTrKq0", skipEnable: 4 } ], adMid: [ { type: "video", path: [ { "quality": "SD", "mp4": "media/video/ad_02.mp4" } ], skipEnable: 3, begin: 8, link:'', target:'_blank', }, { type: "vimeo", path: "22669590", skipEnable: 3, begin: 15 } ], adEnd: [ { type: "video", path: [ { "quality": "SD", "mp4": "media/video/ad_03.mp4" } ], skipEnable: 7 }, { type: "youtube", path: "3XJh9n8K3XU" } ] //annotations annotationSection: document.getElementById('mvp-annotation-section1') }
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-start | Enter media start time in seconds. | |
data-end | Enter media end time in seconds. | |
data-playback-rate | media playback speed: | |
data-pwd | Set password to view media. |
You can add any number of icons in playlist and attach url to each icon. Icons can be SVG, font icons , full img tag. Note that using some formats (like SVG or img tag) may require additional CSS added!
To add icons to video use data-playlist-icons attribute (this example will add 2 icons):
<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="video-url" data-playlist-icons='[{"title": "Spotify", "url": "", "target":"_blank", "icon": "", "rel": "nofollow"}, {"title": "Youtube", "url": "", "target":"_blank", "icon": "", "rel": "nofollow", "class":"custom-icon-class-here"}]'> </div>
Example (object notation):
{ type:'video', path:'video-url', playlistIcons: [{"title": "Spotify", "url": "", "target":"_blank", "icon": "", "rel": "nofollow"}, {"title": "Youtube", "url": "", "target":"_blank", "icon": "", "rel": "nofollow", "class":"custom-icon-class-here"}],
Note the format of attribute, outside quote is single, while all inner quotes are double!
Icon properties:
class - icon custom class title - shows on hover url - icon url on click target - url target rel - rel attributte icon - SVG, font icon, img tag
You can add either title or icon to create menu item (both are not required).
Use cheatsheet to get icon value Font Awesome unicode cheatsheet. You need to wrap actual icon value for example (f167) in &#x + f167;
When using Font Awesome you need to add css in head tag:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>
We recommend providing full SVG code for icons so you dont need to include and use Font Awesome in page.
To get SVG code, for example, go to Font Awesome page, choose icon and copy SVG code. Of course you can get SVG code from different websites.
Demo which has this implemented is playlist_icons.html
Additional settings:
Parameter | Required | Value |
dotsIcon | svg icon | Icon to open playlist action menu (3 dots) |
Up next video thumbnail can show automatically above player controls X seconds before the current video ends. This will also show when the user hovers previous or next video buttons in player controls.
Adding data-upnext-time attribute to global playlist data will auto create thumbnail and title for the next media and show it upnext time seconds before media finishes. Applies for the whole playlist.
<div id="mvp-playlist-list"> <div class="playlist-test"> <div class="mvp-global-playlist-data" data-upnext-time="20"></div> <div class="mvp-playlist-item"... </div> </div>
Parameter | Required | Value |
data-upnext-time | yes | time before media ends to show up next screen. |
Note that Theater mode is advanced feature and in most cases will require you to prepare your website layout in such way that theater is made possible (like Youtube does it).
Example of theater mode is here: you can see in example above in css, div class="player" (that holds the player) is restricted to 70% of the page width (in normal mode). Once the theater button is clicked, 'theater-mode' class is added to parent div class="foo", which makes div class="player" (that holds the player) to have 100% width, thus making video player expand itself to full page width.
Theater mode is available with all layouts except lightbox wall. In theater mode, player will have full width.
Player width can be restricted in css:
.mvp-player{ max-width: 860px;
Ideally if you have player in empty fullwidth container in your webpage, when theater mode is activated, player will have full width and you dont need to do anything. Otherwise if you have multi column layout, then you would need to make parent which holds the player have fullwidth before theater mode happens.
You can also pass your html element (with id or classname) in settings and a custom css class which will be attached to that element before player enters theater mode.
var settings{ theaterElement:'.some-container', theaterElementClass:'foo', }
This means when theater mode happens, element with class some-container will have class foo attached.
There are also these events available:
player.addEventListener("beforeTheaterEnter", function(data){ //called before theater enter, returns (instance, instanceName) }) player.addEventListener("beforeTheaterExit", function(data){ //called before theater exit, returns (instance, instanceName) });
Demo which has this implemented is theater.html
To add your own HTML description instead of using data-title="my video title" and data-description="my video description" place your HTML in div class="mvp-custom-playlist-item-description". This will be added inside playlist description.
<div class="my-video-playlist"> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="VIDEO_URL"> <div class="mvp-custom-playlist-item-description"> <div class="my-class">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</div> </div> </div> </div>
To add any kind of HTML in playlist items place your HTML in div class="mvp-custom-playlist-item-content". This will be added after playlist thumb and description.
<div class="my-video-playlist"> <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path="VIDEO_URL"> <div class="mvp-custom-playlist-item-content"> <div class="my-class">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</div> </div> </div> </div>
Duplicate everything and make wrapper div and settings unique for each player instance in page: (notice how we have player2, settings2, wrapper2)
var player, player2; document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { //first player var settings = { instanceName:"player1", activePlaylist:".playlist-video", skin:'aviva', ... (other player settings) } player = new mvp(document.getElementById("wrapper"), settings); //second player var settings2 = { instanceName:"player2", activePlaylist:".playlist-video", skin:'aviva', ... (other player settings) } player2 = new mvp(document.getElementById("wrapper2"), settings2); });
<div id="wrapper"></div> <div id="wrapper2"></div> <div id="mvp-playlist-list"> <div class="playlist-video"> ... </div> </div>
Player can use following embedding functionality in embed screen.
You can set embed url in settings with embedSrc
Url link offers direct link to video on your website. This is set internally by the player.
Following callbacks are supported:
player.addEventListener("setupDone", function(data){ //called when plugin has been instantiated and is ready to use api, returns (instance, instanceName) }) player.addEventListener("mediaRequest", function(data){ //called when new media has been requested, returns (instance, instanceName, media) //console.log(data.instance, data.instanceName,; }) player.addEventListener("mediaStart", function(data){ //called on media start, returns (instance, instanceName, media) }) player.addEventListener("mediaPlay", function(data){ //called on media play, returns (instance, instanceName, media) }) player.addEventListener("mediaPause", function(data){ //called on media pause, returns (instance, instanceName, media) }) player.addEventListener("mediaEnd", function(data){ //called on media end, returns (instance, instanceName, media) }) player.addEventListener("playlistStartLoad", function(data){ //called on playlist start load, returns (instance, instanceName) }) player.addEventListener("playlistEndLoad", function(data){ //called on playlist end load, returns (instance, instanceName) }) player.addEventListener("clickPlaylistItem", function(data){ //called on playlist item click, returns (instance, instanceName) }) player.addEventListener("playlistItemDisabled", function(data){ //called on playlist item disable, returns (instance, instanceName) }) player.addEventListener("playlistItemEnabled", function(data){ //called on playlist item enable, returns (instance, instanceName) }) player.addEventListener("volumeChange", function(data){ //called on volume change, returns (instance, instanceName, volume) }) player.addEventListener("fullscreenBeforeEnter", function(data){ //called before fullscreen enter, returns (instance, instanceName, media) }) player.addEventListener("fullscreenEnter", function(data){ //called on fullscreen enter, returns (instance, instanceName, media) }) player.addEventListener("fullscreenExit", function(data){ //called on fullscreen exit, returns (instance, instanceName, media) }) player.addEventListener("beforeTheaterEnter", function(data){ //called before theater enter, returns (instance, instanceName, media) }) player.addEventListener("beforeTheaterExit", function(data){ //called before theater exit, returns (instance, instanceName, media) }) player.addEventListener("beforeLoginScreen", function(data){ //called before login screen opens, returns (instance, instanceName, media) }) player.addEventListener("mediaDownload", function(data){ //called when video is downloaded (instance, instanceName, media) });
Ad callbacks (will trigger when "advert" is playing instead of "normal" media):
player.addEventListener("adRequest", function(data){ //called when new ad has been requested, returns (instance, instanceName, media) console.log(data.instance, data.instanceName, }) player.addEventListener("adStart", function(data){ //called on ad start, returns (instance, instanceName, media) }) player.addEventListener("adPlay", function(data){ //called on ad play, returns (instance, instanceName, media) }) player.addEventListener("adPause", function(data){ //called on ad pause (when ad is clicked), returns (instance, instanceName, media) }) player.addEventListener("adEnd", function(data){ //called on ad end, returns (instance, instanceName, media) }) player.addEventListener("adSkip", function(data){ //called when ad is skipped, returns (instance, instanceName, media) });
How to use returned parameters:
player.addEventListener('mediaStart', function(data){ //called on media start, returns (instance, instanceName, counter) console.log(data.instanceName); console.log(data.counter);//active item //get media current time data.instance.getCurrentTime(); //get media duration data.instance.getDuration(); });
Define player variable so you can use it after instantiating (var player):
var player; document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { var settings = { volume:0.5, autoPlay:true ..... } player = new mvp(document.getElementById("wrapper"), settings); }Then later you can call API methods (note that player setupDone event needs to be called first before you can use api methods callbacks section)
player.playMedia(); //Play current media
Following api methods are included:
player.playMedia(); //Play current media player.pauseMedia(); //Pause current media player.togglePlayback(); //Toggle current media (pause/play) player.nextMedia(); //Play next media player.previousMedia(); //Play previous media /* set volume (0-1) */ ---------------------------------- player.setVolume(0); //Set volume (0) player.setVolume(0.5); //Set volume (0.5) player.setVolume(1); //Set volume (1) player.toggleMute(); //Toggle mute player.toggleRandom(); //Set random playlist playback (true/false/toggle) player.toggleLoop(); //Set playlist loop (when playlist reaches end) (true/false/toggle) player.toggleInfo(); //Toggle description panel (true/false/toggle) player.toggleShare(); //Toggle share panel (true/false/toggle) player.togglePlaylist(); //Toggle playlist (true/false/toggle) player.toggleFullscreen(); //Toggle fullscreen /* set playback rate */ -------------------------- player.setPlaybackRate(0.5); //Set playback rate (0.5) player.setPlaybackRate(1); //Set playback rate (1) player.setPlaybackRate(2); //Set playback rate (2) (valid for media type: video, audio, youtube, vimeo) /* set playback quality */ -------------------------- /* self hosted video */ Example contains 2 qualities (720p, 1080p). Active quality on start is specified by optional data-quality="720p". Quality is any string name set by yourself. Note: if you do not set data-quality, player will look for the first quality to load on start. <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path='[{"quality": "720p", "mp4": "media/video/01.mp4"}, {"quality": "1280p", "mp4": "media/video/01_1280p.mp4"}]' data-quality="720p"></div> player.setPlaybackQuality('720p'); //Set quality video (720p) player.setPlaybackQuality('1280p'); //Set quality video (1280p) /* subtitle */ -------------------------- Set subtitle (from data-label). <div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path='[{"quality": "default", "mp4": "media/video/01.mp4"}]'> <div class="mvp-subtitles"> <div data-label="English" data-src="data/subtitles/sintel-en.vtt" data-default></div> <div data-label="German" data-src="data/subtitles/sintel-de.vtt" ></div> <div data-label="Spanish" data-src="data/subtitles/sintel-es.vtt" ></div> </div> </div> player.setSubtitle('English'); //Set subtitle ('English') player.setSubtitle('German'); //Set subtitle ('German') player.setSubtitle(''); //Set subtitle off ('') /* seek (seconds) */ -------------------------- player.disableSeek(boolean)//disable / enable seekbar; //seek (0); //seek (5); //seek (15) player.seekBackward();//seek 5 seconds backwards player.seekBackward(value); //seek {value} seconds backwards (default 10) player.seekForward(value); //seek {value} seconds forward (default 10) player.seekForward();//seek 10 seconds forward /* chapters */ -------------------------- player.previousChapter(); //load previous chapter player.nextChapter(); //load next chapter /* load media by providing track data */ -------------------------- var track = { type: 'video', path: [ {quality: 'default', 'mp4': 'media/video/02.mp4'}, ], poster:'media/video/poster/02.jpg', thumb: 'media/video/thumb/02.jpg', title: 'Video title goes here 2', description:'Custom description here.', } player.inputMedia(track); //load this track into the player. Note: this will not add this track to playlist, it will only play video in player. If you want to add track as well, use addTrack. /* load media from playlist on demand */ -------------------------- //Load media (format, value) by counter (counting start from zero, 0 = first media, 1 = second media...) player.loadMedia('counter', 0); //Load first media in playlist player.loadMedia('counter', 2); //Load third media by media-id attribute player.loadMedia('id', 7); //Load media with data-media-id attribute 7 player.loadMedia('id', 2'); //Load media with data-media-id attribute 2 by title player.loadMedia('title', 'Video title here'); /* load playlist on demand */ -------------------------- load playlist from html markup player.loadPlaylist('.playlist-test'); //Load 'playlist-test' player.loadPlaylist('.playlist-youtube-1'); //Load 'playlist-youtube-1' load playlist from object markup var playlist = { type: 'youtube_playlist', path: 'UCgZM50Ig7STDS0l6f_QnrXw'//playlist ID } player.loadPlaylistFromObject(playlist); /* add track(s) to playlist */ Add track to currently active playlist (if active playlist doesnt exist it will be created). -------------------------- //add track in data format (format, track, play_it, position) var track = { type: 'video', path: [ {quality: 'default', 'mp4': 'media/video/02.mp4'}, ], poster:'media/video/poster/02.jpg', thumb: 'media/video/thumb/02.jpg', title: 'Video title goes here 2', description:'Custom description here.', } player.addTrack('data', track, false, 0); //add track, position 0 player.addTrack('data', track, true, 2); //add track, play it, position 2 player.addTrack('data', track, true); //add track, play it, position end //add multiple tracks in data format (format, track, play_it, position) var track_array = [ { type: 'video', path: [ {quality: '480p', 'mp4': 'media/video/01.mp4'}, {quality: '1280p', 'mp4': 'media/video/01_1280p.mp4'}, {quality: '720p', 'mp4': 'media/video/01_720p.mp4'} ], quality:'720p', qualityMobile:'480p', poster:'media/video/poster/01.jpg', thumb: 'media/video/thumb/01.jpg', title: 'Video title goes here', description:'Custom description. Tiam justo commodo nec vivamus dolor.', download: 'media/video/02.mp4', subtitles: [ {label: 'English', src: 'data/subtitles/sintel-en.vtt', default: true}, {label: 'German', src: 'data/subtitles/sintel-de.vtt'}, {label: 'Spanish', src: 'data/subtitles/sintel-es.vtt'} ] }, { type: 'video', path: [ {quality: 'default', 'mp4': 'media/video/02.mp4'}, ], poster:'media/video/poster/02.jpg', thumb: 'media/video/thumb/02.jpg', title: 'Video title goes here 2', description:'Custom description here.', }, { type: 'youtube_single', path: 'M4z90wlwYs8' }, ]; player.addTrack('data', track_array, false, 0); //add tracks, position 0 player.addTrack('data', track_array, true, 2); //add tracks, play it, position 2 player.addTrack('data', track_array, true); //add tracks, play it, position end //add track in html format (format, track, play_it, position) var track = '<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path=\'[{"quality": "default", "mp4": "media/video/01.mp4"}]\' data-poster="media/video/poster/01.jpg" data-thumb="media/video/thumb/01.jpg"></div>'; player.addTrack('html', track, false, 0); //add track, position 0 player.addTrack('html', track, true, 2); //add track, play it, position 2 player.addTrack('html', track, true); //add track, play it, position end //add multiple tracks in html format (format, track, play_it, position) var track_array = [ '<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path=\'[{"quality": "default", "mp4": "media/video/01.mp4"}]\' data-poster="media/video/poster/01.jpg" data-thumb="media/video/thumb/01.jpg"></div>', '<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path=\'[{"quality": "default", "mp4": "media/video/02.mp4"}]\' data-poster="media/video/poster/02.jpg" data-thumb="media/video/thumb/02.jpg"></div>', '<div class="mvp-playlist-item" data-type="video" data-path=\'[{"quality": "default", "mp4": "media/video/03.mp4"}]\' data-poster="media/video/poster/03.jpg" data-thumb="media/video/thumb/03.jpg"></div>' ]; player.addTrack('html', track_array, false, 0); //add tracks, position 0 player.addTrack('html', track_array, true, 2); //add tracks, play it, position 2 player.addTrack('html', track_array, true); //add tracks, play it, position end /* remove track(s) from playlist */ -------------------------- //remove track by number (counting start from zero, 0 = first media, 1 = second media...) player.removeTrack('counter', 0); //remove first track player.removeTrack('counter', 2); //remove third track player.removeTrack(player.getPlaylistLength()-1); //remove last track in playlist player.destroyPlaylist(); //remove all tracks player.destroyPlaylistOnLightboxClose();//remove all tracks after player type lightbox close //remove track by title player.removeTrack('title', Video title number 1'); //remove media 'Video title number 1' player.removeTrack('title', 'Video title number 2'); //remove media 'Video title number 2' //remove track by media id player.removeTrack('id', 0); //remove track media id 0 player.removeTrack('id', 0); //remove track media id 1 /* load more */ -------------------------- player.loadMore();// load more function, valid for Youtube and Vimeo /* add more (used with ajax to get more tracks from database) */ -------------------------- player.addMore();//manually call add more player.setAddMore(boolean);//toggle addMoreOnTotalScroll on/off /* destroy current playing media / playlist */ -------------------------- player.destroyMedia(); //Destroy current playing media player.destroyPlaylist(); //Destroy current playlist player.destroyInstance(); //Destroy current player and clean after player.getCurrentMediaData();//get media data (video, title, thumb, descritpion etc...) player.getPlaylistLength(); //get playlist length player.getSetupDone(); //get setup done (player inited, ready to use api) player.getMediaPlaying(); //get media playing /* show / hide lightbox */ -------------------------- player.openLightbox(); //open lightbox player.closeLightbox(); //close lightbox /* ad */ -------------------------- player.adSkip(); //skip ad /* popup */ -------------------------- player.closePopup(); //close popup /* resize */ -------------------------- player.resize(); //resize player so it can get correct size. Are you using this in a tab maybe where the parent container is hidden (css display none)? If so, you need to initialize the player after its being shown in tab or call player.resize() API method so the player can correctly resize itself! /* offline image */ -------------------------- //if you have offline image in settings and you want to remove it before playing a stream (or new video) player.setOfflineImage(); //clear offline image (no parameters) player.setOfflineImage(url); //set offline image (load new offline image) player.showOfflineImage();//show offline image (if it was previously set using setOfflineImage) player.hideOfflineImage();//hide offline image
Parameter | Value | description |
useGa | true / false | Use Google Analytics |
gaTrackingId | Google Analytics MEASUREMENT ID |
1. Sign in to your Google Analytics account
2. Go to the Admin panel by clicking the Cog Icon in the bottom left of your screen
3. Click on the property where you want to add custom dimensions
4. Click on Custom Definitions in the left menu, then click on Create Custom Dimension
5. Create following definitions
video_type video_name video_url current_time duration
Using custom definitions, following events will be logged:
complete play pause download
If you have your own custom input fields in player, you need to add mvp-input-field class to them. This is to ensure they are excluded from keyboard input controls if keyboard controls are used in the player.
If you have trouble playing video on your server in some browsers, and you get an errors in browser developer console similar to these:
Specified "type" of "video/mp4" is not supported. Load of media resource ... failed.
This is a mime type problem. You need to add following lines in your .htaccess file on your server:
AddType video/mp4 .mp4 .m4v
More details:
If you have trouble playing audio on your server in some browsers, and you get an errors in browser developer console similar to these:
HTTP "Content-Type" of "audio/mpeg" is not supported. Load of media resource ... failed.
This is a mime type problem. You need to add following lines in your .htaccess file on your server:
AddType audio/mpeg .mp1 .mp2 .mp3 .mpg .mpeg
More details:
When you set autoPlay in settings, player will automatically mute video so it can start playing without user interaction.
You cannot control the volume on IOS with javascript, you have to use the physical button on the actual phone: Volume Control in JavaScript
If using 360 video and images doesnt work on Chrome browser on Mac, make sure you have Override software rendering list enabled (hardware acceleration).
Enter chrome://flags/ in browser url and press enter.
To receive support after purchase, first make sure you have registered as described in the register section.
If you have any questions after purchase, send a message at, and provide your PURCHASE CODE.
Social sharing
Using Share feature
Sharing can use default method or browser native method (where supported). Control sharing method using:
Default method uses social sharing icons (Facebook, Twitter etc). Native share does not require these icons.
If both default and native share are used, player will first try to use native share, then if this is not supported, will fallback to default share.