Video player Schedule AddOn for WordPress
This addOn requires Video player for WordPress to be installed first!
This is na Addon which integrates into Modern Video player plugin interface and allows you to add and manage schedules for player visibility and playback. Using it you can define what playlists or videos to show in the player at any given times. It works together with Modern Video player on its own and does not depend on any other requirements.
- Schedule video player to be shown on schedule
- Schedule content to play daily, weekly and choose time frames
- Play any previously created playlist as schedule in the player
- Schedule multiple content per timeframes (aka multiple playlists / folders / videos)
- Player auto shows when schedule is active and hides when out of schedule
- Attach schedule to any player
- Attach schedule to multiple players
- Full admin schedule generator in calendar
- Display week or month schedule calendar on frontpage with shortcode (optional)
- Desktop and mobile (compact) calendar version included suitable for small screens
Schedule general options


Schedule generator in calendar

Add new schedule

Compact calendar version for mobile

Weekly calendar
Monthly calendar